1797-1798 Wilkes Barre Gazette & Luzerne Advertiser



5 Dec. 1797

Take Notice – All persons indebted to NELSON and JACKSON, for Smith’s work, are desired to make payment by 1st Jan. next. Philip JACKSON, Kingston
12 Dec. 1797

$2 Reward -Broke out of the goal of Luzerne Co., Wed. night, 22nd inst., Nathan ABBOTT, about 5′ 5″ or 6″ high, dark complexion, long dark colored hair, had on blue coat, red vest, corduroy overalls and shore boots. Stephen TUTTLE, Goaler (23 Nov.)

Jacob BEDFORD to Miss Kitty, eldest dau. of B. CARPENTER, Esq., of Kingston, married on Thursday evening last, by Lawrence MYERS, Esq.

Estate of James FINN, late of Tunkhannock Twp., requests payments. Solomon FINN, Pittston, executor

19 Dec. 1797

Estate of Joseph DUNCAN, requests payments. Arabella DUNCAN and James DUNCAN, Wilkes Barre, administrators

25 Dec. 1797

Benjamin WILKINSON, 20 to Mrs. FIRTH, widow of 60, married at Castle Church, near Stafford, NY on this inst. (no other date)

Michael FOY, died at Philadelphia. He had had five wives and 30 children

2 Jan. 1798

Estate of John HOLLENBACK, late of Wilkes Barre, requests payments. Elizabeth HOLLENBACK and Matthias HOLLENBACK, admin.

9 Jan. 1798

Dr. Oliver BIGALOW, has deposited his books with me – pay accounts within two weeks. Laurence MYERS

16 Jan. 1798

Letters remaining in Wilkes Barre post office, 1 Jan.: William GAMBLE (3), William BISHOP (1), Thos. WIER (1), Jas. MORGAN (1) John AIRD (1). Lord BUTLER, P. M.(1)

23 Jan. 1798

Levi DOWNING, died on Thursday the 18th inst., after a long and severe illness, in the 21st year of his age.

On Wed. day evening last, the barn of John HAIN, of Wilkes Barre, accidentally took fire, and was entirely consumed. It contained a quantity of hay, an ox and cow.

30 Jan. 1798

Unhappy Accident at Wilkes Barre – Tuesday last, as a black man in the service of James CAMPBELL, was dressing flax in a small out house, accompanied by an only son of Mr. CAMPBELL, about six years of age, in which he had a fire. By some means the fire communicated with the flax which lay near the door, the Negro working on the opposite side of the house and not perceiving the fire until it had taken such a hold that it was not in his power to extinguish it, sprang through the flames and made out at the door, thinking it possible to get the child out at the back side of the house! All his attempts proved ineffectual, the fire spread so rapidly that, before he was able to effect it, the building was in one entire flame, and shocking to relate, the child expired in the braining ruins.

6 Feb. 1798

Was Found – floating on the Susquehanna River in Exeter Twp., on Tuesday the 23rd inst., 1 feather bed and some bedding, with other articles too tedious to mention. The subscribers with the owner to come and prove property, pay charges and take it away. Ebenezer WILLIAMS and Benjamin COMSTOCK

13 Feb. 1798

John WEEKS, died at New London, CT, aged 114 years old. He married his 10th wife when 106 – she was only 16! His grey hairs had fallen off, and were lately renewed by a dark head of hair – a new set of teeth had made their appearance – and a few hours previous to his death he ate 3 pounds of pork, 2 or 3 pounds of bread and drank nearly a pint of wine.

John YOUNG, Esq., died on 17 Dec. at Concord, NH, author of several pieces against the Christian Religion, after a long and painful illness.

Notice – The partnership of CARPENTER and L. & P. MYERS, will by mutual consent be dissolved on the 15th March next. All persons having any demands against said partnership and those indebted to the same, will please to call on the subscriber for settlement before that date. Lawrence MYERS.

Whereas, A certain Nicholson MARCY, of Tunkhannock, fraudulently obtained a promissory note for $50, bearing date January 3rd, and payable some time in June next: This is therefore to forewarn all persons from taking an assignment of the said note, as I am determined not to pay the same unless compelled by law. Thomas HARRIS, Meshopin.

20 Feb. 1798

Jesse FELL, Esq., appointed an Associate Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for this county, in the room of R. WELLES, Esq., resigned.

27 Feb. 1798

Appointments by the Governor: Putnam CATLIN, Esq., – Bridge Inspector for Luzerne Co. and Noah WADHAMS Jr. and Mr. TRUCKEMILLER, Esquires, Justices of the Peace.

Zebulon BUTLER and Miss Jemimah FISH, married on Thursday evening last.

Small Pox is prevalent up the River.

Letters laying in this Office: John KENNEDY, of Wilkes Barre (1); John HORTON of Kingston and James PRICE, of Kingston

6 March 1798

James CARPENTER, son of B. CARPENTER, Esq., of Kingston to the amiable Miss Betsey HEWITT, of Pittstown, married on Thursday evening last.

Mill-Seat For Sale, known by the name of Buttermilk Falls. For terms of sale apply to Thomas WRIGHT, Wilkes Barre or Elijah SHOEMAKER, Kingston

Proprietors of Springfield Twp., are requested to meet at the dwelling house of Stephen BECKWITH, on 24th May next, for the purpose of choosing a Committee, to Lay out and divide the vacant Lands of said Town, to the original proprietors of the town.

Marksmen Attend! There will be a shooting match on Wednesday the 14th inst., at the house of Mrs. Anne MORSE, in Plymouth; a find chance indeed for good marksmen – a likely young cow is to be shot for – and shall be the property of him who shall make the best shot. A moderate price will be demanded for a shot: any person who wishes to try their luck may know the terms by attending on said day.

13 March 1798

John WILKES, aged 71, died at London. The person from whom Wilkesbarre derived a part of its name.

To Be Let, for term of three years or less, Mills, late the property of John HOLLENBACK, deceased. For terms apply to subscribers living in Wilkesbarre. Elizabeth HOLLENBACK and Matthias HOLLENBACK, administrators.

Take Notice – Application made to Court of Common Pleas by petition of William H. SMITH, administrator of the estate of Gamaliel TRUESDEL, late of Wilkes Barre – mentions tract of land containing about 220 acres, known by #13 of 3rd division, which Gamaliel purchased of Daniel WHITNEY. Deed destroyed by common enemy in 1778.

Notice – This is to forwarn all persons, from purchasing or leasing a certain tract of land lying on Tunkhannock Creek, known by the name of SEARL’S FLAT, of any person or persons except the subscriber, as the land is my property and no other persons. Cyrus AVERY, Tunkhannock.

Whereas, Levi THAYER, of Luzerne Co. has by misrepresentation and undue practice, induced the subscriber to purchase land pretended ot be owner by said THAYER in said county, and give him several Notes of hand. I hereby give notice, and forbid all persons taking or purchasing these obligations, for I protest I will not pay any of them. Joel GIRRELL, Woodbury, NY.

20 March 1798

Letters in this Office for: Catharine HARVEY (widow) of Plymouth; Mary OWEN of Kingston; Nathan ROBERTS of Kingston; Richard & James WESTBROOK, of Plains

To Be Let – Grist and Saw-Mill with 70 acres of land in Wilkes Barre Twp. by Thomas WRIGHT.

27 March 1798

Notice – All persons indebted to subscriber on book, bond or other obligations of three months or more standing, are request to make immediate payment. Robert FAULKNER, Pittstown (Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, &c Store)

3 April 1798

Advertisement – The subscriber wishes to inform his friends and public in general that he still continues his House of Public entertainment in Wilkesbarre at the usual place. Jonathan HANCOCK

Notice – The partnership of M. BLACONS and M. COLIN, by mutual consent is dissolved. All persons indebted to make immediate settlement. Asylum.

Run-Away – On 26th ult, a servant boy, named Henry HUNTER, (sometimes called Henry YAGER), in the 19th year of his age – five feet six or eight inches high, dark complexion; wore a drab colored coat and overalls, two jackets (one striped) a cotton and woolen shirt, a felt hat and a-lpotted silk handkerchief. This is to warn all persons not to harbor or employ said servant on penalty of the law. Whoever will return said servant to the subscriber shall receive twenty cents reward. Oliver BIGALOW, Kingston.

Oliver HELME, informs the public, that he is about to commence chair making and house painting business.

John M’CORD to Miss Sarah, daughter of Zebulon MARCY, of Tunkhannock, married on the 22nd ult.


10 April 1798

Notice – All persons indebted to the subscriber on book, bond or otherwise are requested to make settlement. Thomas DUANE, Wilkesbarre.

17 April 1798

Capt. John STAKES, of NYC, died on Saturday morning very suddenly of lock jaw, having run a nail in his foot a few days before. He was a brave soldier in the late American Army

24 April 1798

The late high waters in our river have done a vast deal of damage. By the best information we are able to collect, upwards of eighty rafts of different descriptions have been lost between this place and the head of the navigation – a large quantities of grain has been also destroyed. A young man of the name of Samuel MUSH, who lived at the Great bend, was accidentally thrown off a raft at Sheshiquin and drowned

Whereas my wife, Abigail, did on the 16th inst., without any sufficient reason, elope from my bed and board – This is to forewarn all persons from trusting or harboring her, as I will not pay any debts of her contracting after this date. Benj. NICHOLAS, Hanover (April 17)

1 May 1798

Capt. THAYER, resident of Tioga Point arrives at Havre de Grace, after leaving on 5th April in company with at least 100 rafts of timber. (Baltimore Paper)

Thomas FALLS to Miss Eunice GILBERT, both of this town, married on Tuesday evening last.

The subscriber having suffered much by the late inundation, necessity obliges him to call on all those who are indebted to him for ferriage or otherwise, whose accounts have stood for a longer time than six months, to call and give him some relief, and he will thank them. Abel YARINGTON.

8 May 1798

Capt. THAYER for the purpose of forgoing statements – the account is more pompous than true. He has not been at Tioga Point since last February, and that no such fleet of 100 rafts ever started from that place. This looks to me like a preparative for a Swindling Job. A. B., Luzerne Co.

All manner of persons are hereby forbid, harboring my wife, Margaret or my son, Jacob, or of trusting them on my account; for I will not pay any debts of their contracting after this date. And I likewise forbid each and every person from harboring, entertaining, or employing said son, Jacob, in any kind of business, or any other of my children. Whosoever does contrary to the above may depend on being prosecuted as the law directs, for the subscriber. (The above is for reasons which commenced last October.) Justice JONES

15 May 1798

Extract from the Militia Law of PA – Lists requirements for every non-commissioned officer and private of the infantry

Notice – All persons are hereby forbid harboring or employing my son, Thomas William WIGTON, as I will prosecute all such with al-(faded) verity of the law. Thomas WIGTON, Wilkesbarre.

29 May 1798

(pages torn)

$40 Reward – For Darius TANIER and John MUNSON, who were suppose to have gone to Northumberland and then up the West Branch and are supposed they live near Seneca Lake. John RYAN, Hanover Twp.

5 June 1798

For Sale – Plantation situated in Thorn Bottom, on the waters of Tunkhannock Creek, containing about 500 acres – 150 of which is rich bottom – 70 cleared and well fenced. There is a log dwelling house, barn, &c. Also adjoining lot containing 70 acres on which there is a small improvement and an excellent Mill Seat – with timber of the best quality. The road leading from Wilkesbarre to Great Bend, passes by the house on the first mentioned farm, which has been occupied as a place of entertainment, and is a good stand for business of various kinds. Henry FELTON.

12 June 1798

Samuel MOORE, merchant, died at Hanover on Thursday the 7th inst., aged 34th year. He has left a young family.

(page torn)

19 June 1798

(no page 2 & 3)

26 June 1798

Information to Public – That part of the road leading from Wilkesbarre to Tioga Point, known by the name of OSTERHOUT’S NARROWS, is now open in a manner so as for horsemen to travel with safety and convenience.

3 July 1798

Alexander THOMPSON, was accidentally drowned, in crossing the Susquehanna at Nescopeck Falls, in a boat. The body was found after a search of two hours. He left a wife and five small children to bewail their irreparable loss.

Estate of Joseph DUNCAN, requests payments. Arnold COLT.

10 July 1798

Notice – The partnership of Andrew LEE and Samuel MOORE, trading under the firm of LEE & MOORE, is being dissolved by the death of the latter – request all payments made. Thomas MOORE

For Sale – Six valuable farms, situated at and near the great bend of the Susquehanna; all under good improvement and lying on great roads, on which are several good stands for merchants. Also 200 acres of unimproved land lying near the mouth of Salt Lick Creek. (Also land in NY). Asa EDDY, Willingborough

17 July 1798

Sheriff’s Sales to be held 2 Aug. next (See p. 1-1-t) Includes lands of: Garret COTTRINGER, James REES, William MORRIS, James HILL, Samuel HAZELMIT, Henry SHEAFF, John JONES, Peter B. CONSTANT, Michael CONNER. The aforesaid lands taken in execution as the property of Thomas RUSTON

Sheriff’s Sale to be held 1 Aug. next (See p. 1-1-b & 1-2-t) Numerous tracts seized and taken in execution as the property of George EDDY.

24 July 1798

$5 Reward – Broke Goal and made escape on 20th inst, Abel HINE (part Indian) about 24 years of age, 5′ 9 or 10″ high, blue eyes, long black hair, large mouth and nose; had a down look and speaks low – carpenter by trade. James MORGAN, Goaler. (It is supposed he has gone to Tioga Point, as he has a wife living near Mr. WARREN’S tavern between said Point and Newtown.)

Samuel BEVENS (Clock & Watch Maker from London), having in a clandestine manner taken his leave of Wilkesbarre on the morning of the 15th inst. Persons who may have deposited their watches in his hands, are requested to apply for the same at the office of Thomas WRIGHT.

Letters at Wilkesbarre Post Office, July 1st for: Adonijah MOODY of Wilkesbarre; Abigail DAVISON of Plymouth; John PIERCE of Kingston; Ama JENKINS of Kingston; Monsieur STRAUBE of Providence; Solomon CHAPIN of Kingston; Roger BENTON of Providence; James LOCKART of Salem; Daniel M’HENRY of Fishing Creek; G. N. LUTYENS of Providence; Waterman BALDWIN of Pittstown; Dr. Erastus LINSLEY of (not known)

31 July 1798

Sheriff’s Sale to be held Aug. 21st next (See p. 3-2-b). Lands taken in execution as property of Blair M’CLENACHAN

Sheriff’s Sale to be held Aug. 22nd next (See p. 3-3-T) Lands taken in execution as property of Samuel HUNTER, administrator of Alexander HUNTER (dec’d)

7 August 1798

Sheriff’s Sale to be held Aug. 22nd next (See p. 1 & p. 4-1-t) Lands taken in execution as the property of John NICHOLSON

Sheriff’s Sale to be held August 20th next (See p. 2-2-b) Lands taken in execution as property of Robert MORRIS

Sheriff’s Sale to be held Aug. 23rd next (See p. 2-2-m) Lands taken in execution as property of James WILSON

Ad – Christian BIXLEY, Watch & Clock Maker

Wyoming Blues – Volunteer offering services to their country – meeting every Saturday afternoon at Wilkesbarre courthouse.

Ad – Public House of Entertainment, Public Square in Easton – house lately occupied by Adam YOHE (dec’d) – Lawrence ERB

Estate of James Agustus GORDEN, requests payment. Perthenia GORDEN, admin’x

14 Aug. 1798

The woman who report killed, on Sunday last, in Hanover, it is said, was seen yesterday walking about – not in the character of a ghost, but possessed of a natural and substantial body. It is, we believe a fact that an unmarried woman of the name of Catharine SNYDER, formerly of Sussex Co., Jersey, was bit by a rattle snake, on Sunday the 5th inst., somewhere in the woods back of Hanover, and has since lain and perhaps does yet in a very dangerous situation.

21 Aug. 1798

A pair of good Stills for sale. Jacob HART, Wilkesbarre

28 Aug. 1798

Wanted – An apprentice to the house joiners and cabinet making business, a boy between 8 and 16 years of age. Thomas FALLS, Wilkesbarre

Dry-Goods, Hardware & C. Store opened lately by John P. SCHOTT, Wilkesbarre

4 Sept. 1798

Notice – All persons indebted to subscriber are requested to make payment. Jonathan HANCOCK, Wilkesbarre

$8 Reward – Taken out of my drawer in the course of the summer past a certain bond against John BURY for 500 pounds, which bond was given by said BURY for the performance of work to be done to my house in Pittstown. Likewise 2 deeds, each in favour of said John BURY. Any person of persons who will bring forward said papers, shall receive the above reward. Waterman BALDWIN, Pittstown

Common Pleas Court of Luzerne Co., August Term – the following have made application for the benefit of the laws of this Commonwealth relative to insolvent debtors: Nathan PARRISH, Nathan BROWN and Jacob SCOWDEN

Take Notice – All those who have cloth at the Fulling Mill in Kingston, are requested to come and take it away, and pay for dressing, as it is exposed to moths. Stephen HOLLISTER

11 Sept. 1798

Come to the plantation of the subscriber about the 4th of June last, a small bay horse about fourteen hands high, three white feet and a blaze in his face, supposed to be about 8-9 years old. The owner is desired to come prove property, pay charges and take him away. Leonard LOTT, Mahoopeny Creek

18 Sept. 1798

Notice – Citizens enrolled in the 2nd Regiment of the Luzerne Brigade of Militia are required to meet at the house of Amos FELL, Pittstown, innkeeper on Saturday, 29th inst. Putnam CATLIN, Brigade Inspector.

All persons are hereby forewarned not to settle upon, or take possession of the following Lots of land in Township of Northmoreland, viz No. 10 and 11, 2nd tier. No. 17, 3rd tier of Lots. Nov. 14, 4th tier of Lots. No. 15, 5th tier of Lots and No. 11 and 12 in 6th tier of Lots. As the mentioned lots are my property and I shall prosecute any person who shall intrude upon any of them. Hallet GALLUP, Kingston

2 Oct. 1798

Jacob BEDFORD, is erecting a Fulling Mill at Carpenter’s Mills, Kingston

Request of Nathaniel LANDON, John DORRANCE, Hugh CONNOR, John P. SCHOTT and Thomas WIGTON, Proprietors in the Township of Braintrim. Notice is hereby given to the Proprietors of the Township of Braintrim, to meet at the dwelling house of James WHEELER, in said Township, on Friday, Oct. 12th, to chuse a Town or proprietors’ Clerk for the ensuing year and transact any other business relating to the affairs of the Town, necessary to be done. Jonathan STEVENS, Proprietors Clerk, Braintrim

9 Oct. 1798

New London, (CT) Sept. 19th – Report of the Health Committee: The following deaths have taken place in this city since our report on the 11th inst. viz: Betsey WILLEY, Nancy ANGEL, Benjamin PENNIMAN, Charles SOLE, Jesse GARDNER and Gabriel SISTARE. The malignancy of the fever (Yellow Fever) prevailing in this city has greatly diminished.

Estate of John DURKEE, late of Norwich, CT, formerly of Wilkesbarre, requests payments. Thomas DYER, junr., Wilkesbarre, Admin’r

Estate of James FLINT, late of Windham, CT, requests payments. Thomas DYER, junr., Wilkesbarre, Admin’r.

Attend. An adjourned meeting of the Wyoming Library Company will be held in their Library room on Saturday next at 1 o’clock P. M. Members are requested to be punctual in their attendance. Lord BUTLER, libr’n., Wilkesbarre

16 Oct. 1798

Results of the late Election for Luzerne Co. (with number of votes):
For Member of Congress: Daniel CLYMER, 695 and Joseph HEISTER 105
For Senator: Jonathan WALKER, 777 and Samuel MACLAY 3 [see next paper]
Rosewell WELLES – re-elected Representative to State Legislature
Arnold COLT – has a large majority for Sheriff
Abel YARINGTON – is reelected Coroner
Thomas WRIGHT – chosen County Commissioner

23 Oct. 1798

Election – State Senators: Samuel MACLAY is elected for the District Comprised of the county of Mifflin, Northumberland, Luzerne and Lycoming by a majority of upwards of 900 votes.

Blues – Take Notice! Members who compose the Wyoming Blues requested to meet at the house of Frederic CRISMAN, Hanover on Nov. 3rd to elect officers. Ebenezer SLOCUM, Peter YARINGTON and Isaac BOWMAN, Committee

Estate of Isaiah RIDER, late of Nicholson Twp., request payment. Elisha HARDING, administrator

30 Oct. 1798

Estate of Elisha SCOVELL, late of Exeter, requests payment. James SCOVELL, administrator

6 Nov. 1798

Lumber Business to be carried on at Columbia (Wright’s Ferry) – boards, shingles and scantling. Thomas WRIGHT, of Wilkesbarre and Robert PATTON, of Columbia, Wright’s Ferry

Tanning and Currying Business in all it’s branches, early next spring. John HOLLENBACK and Peter KREAMER, Wilkesbarre

27 Nov. 1798

$20. Reward – Runaway from the Constable and his bail on 16th inst., Henry TUTTLE, who was bound in his recognizance for November Term, to answer a complaint brought against him for larceny. He is about 34 or 35 years of age about 5′ 8″ high, round shouldered, thin, a long nose, stands a little to one side, lightish hair, wears it tyed, has lost the first joint of his fore finger, large fore teeth, is a blacksmith by trade. Who ever takes up said TUTTLE and secures him in the common jail of this county, to that the subscriber can get him, shall be entitled to the above reward. Samuel SOVERHILL, Constable, Wysocking

A 2 Year Old Brindle Steer, with both ear cropt, came to the premises of the subscriber about a month ago, and is now in his passission. The owner is desired to come and prove the property, pay charges and take him away. Abraham GOODEN, Exeter

11 Dec. 1798

This paper begins 2nd volume of the “Wilkesbarre Gazette”, price $2 per annum, $1 payable at the expiration of every half year, exclusive of postage.

Ashes Wanted – For which the subscriber will pay nine pence per bushel in goods, if delivered at the store of Thomas DUANE in Wilkesbarre. Archibald WHITE, Wilkesbarre.

Take Notice – All persons indebted to the subscriber are requested to make immediate payment in cash, hides or grain. In case of neglect, suits will be immediately commenced, without respect to persons. T. A. ALKINS, Wilkesbarre

18 Dec. 1798

Beware of the Devil’s own son – Ranaway from the subscriber on the night of the 14th inst., John RODROCK, an indented curse, in shape something like a man, he stands about 17 1/2 hands high, 22 or 23 years of age, swarthy complexion, with a large head and a huge gash in his face, extending almost from one ear to the other; passing at the same time between a pair of lusty thick lips. He has a large nose, shortish brown hair and dark eyes; above which are fastened a set of remarkable eye brows resembling a couple of grey wigs, passed to a smoak’d gammon – And as to Devils, he has more in him than ever Mary Magdalen had. He is a thief and a liar. When he is death, it will not be safe to inter him in a graveyard, if you do, be careful to place him with his face downwards and put large stones on his grave, or he will be quick up again and plunder his nighest neighbor. Whoever takes up the above described sinner, and returns him to the subscriber, shall receive by wholesale and retail, the hearty curses of their humble servant. James MORGAN, Wilkesbarre

25 Dec. 1798

Farm for Sale in Kingston with house, barn and 60+ acres by Henry ALLEN.

© 2001-2002 Paula Radwanski, Wyoming County Historical Society