1821 Susquehanna Democrat

The Susquehanna Democrat 1821

Published on Friday Evening, Wilkesbarre, PA

By Samuel MAFFET & Charles STEUART, Main Street

5 January 1821

Pennsylvania Legislature:
Petition from the town of Montrose, praying that an act may be passed erecting that town in to a borough. A bill was later reported.

Agency of the Philadelphia Bank, Wilkesbarre, Jan. 1st. The operations of the Branch Bank at this placed having ceased, the undersigned, late Cashier, is appointed Agent of the Philadelphia Bank to collect the outstanding debts and close the concern. Joseph M’COY.

Information Wanted. The subscriber had a son by the name of Benjamin RYAN, enlisted in the late war with Great Britain, at Wilkesbarre, in 1815 for 5 years. Since his term of service expired I have not heard from him. The last information I had he was at Brownsville. Any person who could give information would confer a favor by sending same in letter to the subscriber, directed to the Salem Post Office, Wayne County, Pennsylvania. William RYAN.

Letters on hand at the Wilkesbarre Post Office, Jan. 1st:
Catharine ADAMS
Epaphras BUTLER
Jeremiah BACON
Michael CONRAD
Catharine CARY
Daniel CALCK glaser
Benjamin EDSELL
Daniel GOULD
William M. HART
Calvin HEBERD’
Ebenezer HALSTED
William KELSEY
Rev. Ebenezer KINGSBURY
Silas C. KING
Henry F. LAMB
Daniel LIEB
Abraham M’CALLE
Christian MENSH
Valentine MAYER
Joshua PUGH
Benjamin SANFORD jr.
Abraham TOLLES
Charlotte TORBETT
Barnet ULP
Stephen VAN LOON
Samuel WOODS
Jacob CIST, P. M.

Letters on hand In the Post Office in Kingston, January 1st:
Epaphras P. BUTLER
John or Esther DEAN
Ebenezer GAY
Elias HOYT
Daniel & Levi HOYT
Josiah LEWIS
Griffin LEWIS
Rev. Josiah MOULTON
Rev. Geo. PECK
Lydia RICE
John WORT, Sen.

Salt. The subscriber has just received a quantity of first quality of Salt, which he will dispose of lower than can be obtained in Wilkesbarre, or elsewhere. All kinds of grain will be received in payment at the market price. D. L. TRACY, Wilkesbarre.

12 January 1821 – Paper Missing

19 January 1821

Pennsylvania Legislature:
Petition from John KOONS praying for compensation for a tract of land relinquished to Connecticut claimants, in the 17 townships.
9 Petitions from inhabitants of Luzerne and Susquehanna Counties.
Petition from citizens of Lycoming and Bradford to form a new county out of parts thereof.
4 Petitions from inhabitants of Luzerne and Susquehanna Counties for a new county.
Petition from inhabitants of Luzerne County, for aid to a road from KEELER’S ferry, to the mouth of Lackawanna on the east side of the Susquehanna.
Bill for “an act establishing a public ferry on the north branch of the Susquehanna, in the county and village of Bradford, and to vest the right thereof in William KELLY, his heirs and assigns.”

Married – In Kingston, on Sunday last inst., by Rev. MOULTON, Ezra HOYT, of Wilkesbarre to Miss Lois HOYT, of the former place.

Married – On Tuesday last, by Isaac HARTZELL, Henry BARRICHMAN to Miss Isabella PRESTON

Died – At Philadelphia, on Sunday last, at the house of his brother-in-law, Joseph HEMPHILL, Esq., aged about 52 years, Charles HALL, Esq., Councilor at Law, of Sunbury, Northumberland County.

New County – Petitions have been presented in the house of representatives of this state, praying for the erection of a New County out of parts of Luzerne and Susquehanna. We understand the contemplated county embraces within its proposed limits the townships of Abington, Greenfield and Nicholson, and part of the township of Blakeley, in Luzerne, and the townships of Clifford, Gibson and Jackson, and part of Harford, Susquehanna County. Whether success of this plan would conduce the public benefit, is not for us to say. If the people wish it, why be it so. The committee to whom the matter has been referred are Messrs. KENNEDY, DIMMICK, KRAUSE, HENDERSON and CORTRIGHT.

More New Counties. Petitions have been presented to the Legislature for a new county out of parts of Bradford and Lycoming, and referred Messrs. KINNEY, CORTRIGHT and UHLER. We know nothing of the contemplated limits of this proposed county nor indeed any thing respecting it other than the presentment of the Petitions. We know however that a different plan is on foot, for the erection of a new county out of parts of Luzerne and Lycoming, and perhaps part of Bradford. The townships of Braintrim and Windham in Luzerne, and Shrewsberry, Elkland and Moreland in Lycoming, from a part of this last mentioned county, the seat of Justice for which is already marked out on the Turnpike leading from Berwick to Newtown. We are not disposed to take part for or against either of these plans – but we have felt it to be our duty to state the facts as far as they have come to our knowledge, that those concerned may not be caught sleeping.

Died – At Bloomsbery, N. J. on the 28th October last, Jonas INGHAM, Esq., of Bradford County, Pa., in the 76th year of his age. He was a native of Bucks County, from whence he removed with his family about 25 years ago, and settled on the Wyalusing Creek. A few years after becoming an inhabitant of Luzerne he was chosen one of her representatives in the state Legislature.

The Committee on the contested election of Col. John SNYDER, of Columbia County, have made a report vacating his seat as a member, and declaring James M’CLURE, to have been duly elected.

There are 1660 Justices of the Peace in Pennsylvania.

The members of the Wyoming Fire Company are requested to meet at the house of A. PARRISH, in the borough of Wilkesbarre, on Saturday the 20th inst., at six o’clock in the evening. S. MAFFET, Capt.

B. D. WRIGHT, Attorney at Law – St. Louis, having recently removed from Pennsylvania, and having already had several applications from citizens of that State for information concerning Military Bounty Lands, informs the public that he will cheerfully attend to getting Deeds of Transfer recorded either in St. Louis or Kaskaskia, in Illinois, at both which places he intends to practice Law; to the payment of Taxes upon the lands and to giving to claimants all necessary information relative to the quality of the soil, and the local advantages of each respective tract. As he has access to all the records, and descriptions in the offices of the two States of Illinois and Missouri, it is completely in his power to afford information as correct as could be furnished by the officers themselves. His charge will be Five dollars for every tract exclusive of the amount of Taxes or recording fees, which must be enclosed post paid.

Treasury Notice. The subscriber informs the inhabitants of the county of Luzerne, that he will attend to the Treasury business, at his office at the fire proof, during the Sessions of Court, and during the monthly meetings of the Commissioners – and on Tuesday of each week for the residue of the time for the year ensuing. Benjamin BAILEY, Treasurer.

Stray Steer at the premises of Francis RAINO, Wilkesbarre.

Orphans’ Court Sale, to be held 3 February, as the estate of Patt LYNCH, late of Salem Township, for tracts of land in said township.

Pensioners. Returns have been received from the War Department for the following Persons, to wit:
Peregrine JONES
Andrew M’CLURE
Archibald BIRTH
Ichabod SHAW
Gideon POST
Pensions not allowed
Daniel M’CARTY
Ebenezer BARTLET
Schedule sent back to be amended:
Peregrine JONES

General SCOTT, the venerable chief of the Catawba Indians, died at the advanced age of upwards of 100 years; after being their Ruler for more than half a Century.

At Kingstown, N. H. a man by the name of Daniel BUSWELL, about 35 years of age, lately committed suicide by cutting his throat with a drawing knife – he had for some time previous been in a gloomy state of mind, and had once before made an attempt to destroy himself.

In Orange County, Indiana, the dwelling house of Reuben STOUT was lately destroyed by fire, and three children perished in the flames. – the parents had put the children to bed, and gone to a neighboring house to spend the evening.

The house of Samuel PEARSON, Innkeeper, at Basking Ridge, was lately robbed of $320 in gold coin, by a villain who pretended to want board.

26 January 1821

Section cut from page 2.

Newport Forge is now in operation and will furnish Iron at $6 – per Cwt! Wheat at 50 Cts., Rye 50 Cts., Corn 33 Cts., and Saw Logs at a fair price will be received in payment. W. LEE, Newport

Pennsylvania Legislature: 3-1-t
Petition for new Election district in Eaton, Township, Luzerne County
Petition of Wm. MILLER, an Old Soldier for relief.
For aid to build a bridge over the Lackawaxon river
Aide to the New Milford and Bridgewater Turnpike Road.
Report complaints of Edmund RUSSELL, Justice of the Peace of Bradford County, unfavorable to the Justice, were read, adopted, and the committee which brought in the report, were appointed to draft an address to the Governor his removal from office.

Mrs. L. STONE, of Trumbull, Ohio, has been tried for the murder of her 3 children. She was proved to be insane, and consequently was acquitted.

2 February 1821

Receipts and Expenditures of the County of Luzerne for 1820, include:
Auditors: Valentine SEIWELL, John EMERY, Benjamin REYNOLDS
Clerk: Jesse FELL
Commissioners: Elijah SHOEMAKER, Cyrus AVERY, Joel ROGERS, Samuel YOST
Map contracted with BENNET & LEWIS, County Map
Bridge Appropriations: Naphtali HURLBUT, Kingston and Joseph WRIGHT, Plymouth
Road Damages: Peggy SARCH, Plymouth and Matthias HOLLENBACK, Kingston
Township lines viewed: Union, Dallas & Huntington

The barn (containing horses, cow, carriage and hay) of David YOUNG, Esq., of Windham, Conn. was destroyed by fire, last week; the adjacent buildings and meeting house were several times on fire, but were finally saved.

9 February 1821

A fellow whose name is HAMILTON, of Marietta, Penn. after having quarrelled with his wife returned to his room, swearing he would shoot the first person who entered; A female friend unacquainted with his threat, entered in order to pacify him, when he leveled a pistol at her, the contents of which killed her instantly.

John SHELTON, a constable in Norfolk, Vir. was recently murdered by a free mulatto man named Jesse CORBELL, while in the discharge of his duty in suppressing a riot.

The last Sussex Register says that on Friday the 12th inst. a number of the friends of Judge LINN, deceased, set out for Washington City, for the purpose of bringing the body of the deceased to his native place for interment.

The ice in the Susquehanna broke Sunday last, and almost immediately jammed up the river in several places, so as to turn the water from its natural channel. A strong current now passes over the Kingston Flats, and we also learn over the Plymouth Flats. Should the present body of ice go off with a sudden thaw or rain, the most serious consequences are to be apprehended. Many of the oldest settlers say the prospect appears more threatening than it previous to the great Ice Flood some over 40 years ago.

New Counties. The Committee of the house of Representatives on the subject of the new Counties out of parts of Luzerne and Susquehanna, Luzerne and Lycoming and Luzerne, Lycoming and Bradford, have all reported unfavorable – that is against the erection of the new counties. These reports will no doubt be all confirmed by the house.

Appointments by the Attorney General for the North:
Charles CATLIN, Esq., appointed prosecuting Attorney for Susquehanna County
Ethan BALDWIN, Esq. for Bradford County
_[no first name]_ FULLER, Esq. for Wayne.

Jonah BREWSTER was appointed a Justice of the Peace and Notary Pubic by Mr. FINDLAY, a few days before he went out of office. William WILKINS another member of the white washing committee was appointed a Judge only the day before FINDLAY went out of office. Thus are the wicked rewarded. These two appointments speak volumes. Let the people mark them.

Constitution of the Susquehanna Baptist Domestic Missionary Society.

Militia Notice. An adjourned Court of Appeal for the 2nd Regiment of Pennsylvania Militia, will be held at the house of Andrew M’CLURE, in the township of Newport, on Monday the 19th of this month, at 10 o’clock A. M. at which time and place all Appellants, Constables or Collectors of fines who have any business before the Board will attend. Isaac BOWMAN, Colonel, 2nd Regt. Penn. Militia.

Was Found. About the middle of January last in the Borough of Wilkesbarre, on Ox Chain, not much worth. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying for this advertisement, an application to Christian MENSCH, Hanover.

16 February 1821

A murder, attended with peculiar circumstances of depravity (says the Goshen Farmer) was perpetrated on the evening of New-Year’s day by one Helleous VAN AUKIN, living near Jersey line, a short distance from the town of Minisink. The victim was a helpless female – his wife! The monster first attempted to cut her throat with a penknife & mangled her in a horrid manner; but failing in this, as is supposed from her resistance, he seized an andiron from the hearth and beat her brains out! The deceased, it is said, was in the prime of life, and active and a useful woman, and a mother of several children. The murderer was immediately arrested and conveyed to the jail in Sussex County, N. J. to await his trial.

Married – On Tuesday evening last, the 13th inst. by Rev. George LANE, William HANCOCK to Miss Laura SMITH, all of Wilkesbarre.

Married – At Kingston, on Thursday evening the 25th ult. by the same, Major Peter PERKINS, to Miss Eunice MILLER.

Died – At Windham, on Sunday the 21st ult, Joseph SWETLAND, aged 54 years.

Died – In this borough, on Monday night last, the 12th inst., Thomas QUAT.

Died – At his Father’s house in Jenkinstown, Montgomery County, on the 28th ult, George ROSS, Esq., aged about 24 years, eldest son of John ROSS, Esq.

Appointments by the Governor:
Bradford County: Burr RIDGWAY, Prothonotary, Clerk of Oyer and Terminer, Quarter Sessions and Orphans’ Court.
Luzerne County: Samuel MAFFET, Prothonotary, Clerk of Oyer and Terminer, Quarter Sessions and Orphans’ Court.
Susquehanna County: Asa DIMOCK, Jr., Prothonotary, Clerk of Oyer and Terminer, Quarter Sessions and Orphans’ Court.
Wayne County: Thos. MEREDITH Prothonotary, Clerk of Oyer and Terminer, Quarter Sessions and Orphans’ Court, also Register and Recorder.

Pennsylvania Legislature, Feb. 1st:
Rebecca BROWN, for a divorce: which was referred to CONYNGHAM, FRY, ALLSHOUSE
Examinations in a case of complaint against Isaac HARTZELL, a Justice of the Peace of Luzerne County.
Examinations in a case of complaint against Salmon KEENEY, a Justice of the Peace of Bradford County.
Feb. 2nd:
Petition for the removal from office of Salmon KEENEY, Justice of the Peace of Bradford County

For Rent! The subscribers will attend at the house of Charles KEITHLINE, in Wilkesbarre, on Saturday the third of March next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of Renting the Tavern Stand and Farm, late the property of Cap. Frederick CRISMAN, dec’d, in Hanover Luzerne County, now in the occupancy of George BEHEE and John LINE. William ROSS, George CAHOON, John MILL, Lazarus STEWART, Bescherrer CRISMAN.

23 February 1821

The executors of the late Capt. Gustavus CONYNGHAM, have presented to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, for deposit in the State Library, the first American flag that was raised on the British Channel in the revolutionary war. It was made under the direction of Dr. FRANKLIN, for the government vessel Surprise, commanded by Capt. CONYNGHAM, in 1776.

Fifty Dollar Reward. Escaped from the Jail of Lycoming County, on Wednesday evening the 14th inst., William G. DUNLAP. He is about 30 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, stout made, light hair, grey eyes, fair complexion, down look and speaks slow. He’s addicted to gambling. It is supposed he has gone to Olean Point, Ohio, to join his former associates GROVENOR & Co. I. K. TORBUT, Deputy Marshal for the Eastern District, Williamsport.

Census of Luzerne County

—(Negroes) Whites
Abington (11) 1001
Braintrim 525
Blakeley 450
Covington (16) 357
Dallas (1) 454
Exeter 820
Eaton (4) 47g
Greenfield (9) 703
Hanover (17) 862
Huntington 1274
Kingston (4) 1284
Nescopeck 1004
Northmoreland 644
Newport 764
Nicholson (1) 542
Plymouth 912
Pittston (1) 824
Providence 861
Sugar Loaf (4) 1108
Salem (1) 736
Tunkhannock (1) 1131
Union 686
-Borough (23) 732
-Township (20) 827
Windham 889
Total 19,914
Colored Persons 113
Grand Total 20,027

Pennsylvania Legislature
A bill, an act to extend the time for patenting of lands in the 17 townships of Luzerne.
An address to the Governor for the removal from office of Edmund RUSSELL, a justice of the Peace of Bradford County (which had come from the House) without amendment, and it was considered and adopted.
An act granting compensation to John KOONS for tracts of land certified to Connecticut claimants in the seventeen township of the county of Luzerne.
Petition to change place of holding elections in Abington Township, Luzerne County, and in Sterling Township, Wayne County.
Petition from Coschecton bridge company, for authority to erect a toll-gate.
Petition for the removal of a toll-gate from the town of Milford, Pike County.
Bill declaring Towanda Creek a public highway
Bill authorizing the laying out of a state road from Wilkesbarre to the Berwick and Lauzanne turnpike road.
Petition to change place of holding elections in Huntington Township, Luzerne County.

The members of the Royal Friendship Society resident in Luzerne County are requested to attend a meeting in Wilkesbarre on Tuesday the 13th March next, at early candle light. Election of officers will take place. Samuel MAFFET, Sec’y.

Caution. I do hereby notify and warn all men, that o the 3rd June, 1819, I gave Henry HUSTED, two notes, one for thirty dollars, payable two years from the date – the other payable four years from the date, for sixty dollars; they being for the payment of an improvement made on a tract of land supposed to belong to Mr. HART, and warranted so to be by said HUSTED; but from further examination it is found to be on another tract of land. I therefore quit all claim to said improvement, and warn all men from purchasing said Notes, as I do not feel myself obligated to pay them. Stephen BENNET, Palmyra, Wayne County.

2 March 1821

The Fee-bill passed both houses. A list of fees to be received by Aldermen and Justices of the Peace, from and after the 1st day of April next.

Died – In Philadelphia, lately, Michael KEPPELE, Esq., formerly Mayor of the city.

Pennsylvania Legislature – Petitions:
From the inhabitants of the seventeen townships, Luzerne County, for further time for patenting their lands.
From the owners of unseated lands Wayne County, complaining of the undue proportion of taxation, on unseated lands, and asked a remedy.
President and managers of the river Delaware, at the Columbia glass works ask for aid.
For Salem Township, Wayne County, to change place of holding elections, to West Schoolhouse.
From the inhabitants along the Susquehanna, against repeal of the law that prohibits fishing in said river on Monday.
From the committee to whom was referred certain depositions and cross examinations, in case of Isaac HARTZELL, a Justice of the Peace of Luzerne County, reported, censuring his conduct in some instances, both official and unofficial; but not sufficient for removal – asked to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject. Laid on table.

Members of the Junior Volunteers are requested to meet at the house of John CAREY at the Plains on Saturday 10th March inst. S. AKINS, O. S.

C. BUTLER, Attorney At Law. His office is in the room in the Fire proof building, occupied by the Register and Recorder of Luzerne County.

Appeals. Public notice is hereby given that the board of commissioners will attend meeting and hear the appeals on the Levy of the County Taxes for 1821. Township and date listed.

9 March 1821

At Salem, Massachusetts, during the present month, Stephen Merrill CLARK, a young man aged 17 years, was convicted of setting fire to a barn, by which four dwelling houses and several other buildings were destroyed. Sentence of Death was expected to be passed upon the prisoner.

The courthouse and jail, at Watertown, Jefferson County, New York, was destroyed by fire on the 9th inst. It was believed to have been set on fire by the prisoners; there were seven in confinement, one of whom escaped.

Pennsylvania Legislature – Petitions:
From Luzerne County, for an extention of the mechanics lean to said county.
“An act” to extend the time for patenting of lands in the seventeen townships in Luzerne.
From Luzerne County for a loan office.
From Salem Township, Wayne County, to change the place of holding elections.
From the committee of Ways and Means, in the case of George DENISON, for legal services rendered the commonwealth, in disputes in the seventeen townships, that a committee be appointed to bring in a bill, granting him $244.12. Referred to same committee, to bring in a bill.
An Act granting compensation to James LOCKHART, for a tract of land in the Seventeen townships, was read a third time and past.
Reported in case of Salmon KEENEY, a Justice of the Peace, “That they find that he has acted in his official capacity, in an irregular and an illegal manner and highly inconsistent with the duties and obligation of a magistrate. And that in one instance he administered an oath to himself, gave testimony & received fees for himself, as a witness in a case. Also that a committee be appointed to draft an address to the governor of the commonwealth, requesting him to remove Salmon KEENEY from the office of Justice of the Peace.

Married – In Exeter, on Sunday evening last, by Rev. Joel ROGERS, Joseph W. ROGERS, of Northmoreland, to Miss Hannah JONES, of Exeter.

Died – In Harrisburg, on Friday morning, the 2nd inst., at 1 o’clock, in the 65th year of his age, Benjamin FOULKE, Esq., Member of the House of Representatives from Bucks County.

The Printer out of Patience. For three months past we have published a list of Articles which would be received in payment of Debts due at this office – but neither Cash nor produce have been offered to us – no not even one solitary bushel of grain. We have come to the resolution not to starve in the midst of plenty, and now give notice that our Books will be posted up on the first of July next, and every man who shall on that day stand indebted to us on more than two years subscription will be sued without respect to persons. It is not our wish to make cost for any man – but when such a shameful disregard is shown to our claims we feel fully justified in resorting to the law to enforce them. As the April Court will afford the most favorable opportunity that will offer before the first of July, we hope many will embrace it to call or send and pay at least half of what may be due, and give their notes for the Balance.

16 March 1821

Panther Hunting. The Berwick American informs us that on the 24th, 25th and 26th days of February, George WENNER of Sugarloaf, Luzerne County killed three Panthers in the fields of that township. Stephen BALLET of the same township killed one and Timothy BARNES of Covington, has also killed several during the past winter.

At a meeting of the Susquehanna Baptist Domestic Missionary society attached to the Subordinate Society at Wilkesbarre, on Saturday the 10th inst. Barnet ULP was chosen moderator and Dr. Lathan JONES, Secretary. The Society proceeded to the election of officers of said Society, when the following were elected:
President: Barnet UPL
Treasurer: Lewis WORRALL
Secretary: Dr. Lathan JONES
Delegate at Grand Society meeting: Lewis N. KETCHAM

Pennsylvania Legislature – Reports:
An act authorizing commissioners to view and lay out a road from Athens, Bradford County to Wellsborough, Tioga County.
An act to aurhorize the removal of the seat of justice of Columbia County.
A bill, a supplement to the act providing a mode of taking testimony in cases of complaint against Justices of the Peace

Wilkesbarre and Northumberland Mail Stage. Jesse C. HORTON.

Apprentice Wanted, a boy from 14 to 16 years of age, as an Apprentice to the Blacksmithing business. William GOULD, Wilkesbarre.

Stray Geese at the enclosure of the subscriber, Mary WOOLLY, Wlkesbarre.

Notice. Some persons having been in the habit of wantonly cutting down and carrying away timber, bark &c. from the unseated land belonging to the Estate of Thomas WRIGHT, dec’d. The subscriber things proper than to give public notice, on behalf of the devisees of said deceased, that all trespassers on said lands may be expected to be punished according to law; and that measures have been taken to detect and bring them to Justice. Josiah WRIGHT, Wilkesbarre.

23 March 1821

Died – In this town on Tuesday last, Ann Maria, youngest daughter of Dr. Mason CRARY, aged about two years.

The Legislature. The Improvement Bill has passed Senate by a large majority. Among other appropriations are the following:
Wilkesbarre Bridge $13,000
Berwick Bridge $8,000
Bridgewater and Wilkesbarre Turnpike $10,000
Clifford and Wilkesbarre Turnpike $4,000
Clifford and Owego Turnpike $16,000
Lackawanna and Keelor’s Ferry Road $1,000
Great Bend and Easton Turnpike $14,000
We trust the amendments will be agreed to by the House of Representatives.

On the 17th ult, J. MAXWELL and wife, of Otsego, N. Y. left home on a visit to a neighbor; during their short stay, the house and their two children, were reduced to a pile of ashes.

Public Notice. In consequence of my removal from the office of Register and Recorder, it becomes necessary that the business of the office should be settled, so far as I am concerned. All those, therefore, who are indebted for Fees, are requested to settle their accounts, by next April Court. Those who do now will be indiscriminately sued. The present Recorder is authorized to receive the fees, and will deliver up the Deeds. Asa C. WHITNEY.
The above notice is both just and necessary, and I hope it will be attended to. A similar request is now made on my own behalf, with the assurance that the law must settled with those who neglect it. Samuel MAFFET.

Notice. Proposals for attending the Gate and receiving toll at the Wilkesbarre Bridge the ensuing year, will be received for two weeks by G. M. HOLLENBACK or the Subscriber. By order of the board of Mang. Elias HOYT.

30 March 1821

Boot and Shoe Manufactory. Joshua GREEN, Wilkesbarre.

A proposition has been made in the House of Representatives to suspend the operation of the Improvement Bill until the year 1823, and fears were entertained that it would be adopted. Again we say – If there is money enough to establish a Loan office for the benefit of speculators, there is enough to afford relief to our languishing Turnpikes and Bridges.

Millinery Business – Elizabeth KENDALL, Wilkesbarre.

Notice. All persons indebted to the subscriber are informed that their notes are now in the hands of Thomas DYER, Esq., where they can call and confess Judgment within twenty days – after that time all will be sued, without respect to persons. B. D. BARNES.

6 April 1821

Section cut from page 1.

The following summary of the provisions of the Improvement Bill, as the same passed the Senate. The amendments of the Senate were all concurred in the House of Representatives:
Susquehanna & Tioga Turnpike, a subscription to the stock $10,400
Milford and Owego Turnpike, a subscription to the stock $16,000
Philadelphia & Great Bend Turnpike, a subscription to the stock $12,000
Bridgewater & Wilkesbarre Turnpike, a subscription to the stock $10,000
Bridge at Wilkesbarre, a subscription to the stock $13,000
Bridge over Nescopeck, stock $3,000
Clifford and Wilkesbarre Turnpike, stock $4,000
Road in Luzerne County, donation $1,000
Road in Bradford County, donation $1,000

Died – In Windham on Sunday morning the 25th March, in the 29th year of her age, Mrs. Polly GAREY, wife of Capt. Ambrose GAREY. Her disease was inflammation and extremely painful. She has left a husband and six small children to mourn their loss – the youngest an infant daughter three weeks old.

The third term of the Wilkesbarre Academy will commence on Monday, 23rd April.

13 April 1821

Brigade Orders for the Second Brigade, Eighth Division, Pennsylvania Militia:
1st Batt., 70th Reg., commanded by Col. Isaac DIMMICK, will meet on the 13th May, and the 2nd Batt. will meet on the 14th.
2nd Batt., 76th Reg., commanded by Col. Fredric BAILEY, on the 15th, and 1st Batt. on the 16th.
1st Batt., 2nd Reg., commanded by Col. Isaac BOWMAN, on the 17th, and 2nd Batt. on the 18th.
Isaac POST, Inspector 2nd Brigade, 8th Division, P. M.

Married – At the Plains, on Sunday evening last, by Rev. Joel ROGERS, Arthur SMITH and Miss Lois CORTRIGHT.

Michael NAGHTEN, a native of Ireland, born near the town of Boyle, in the county of Roscommon, is now sought for, he emigrated to this country, about 20 years ago; and was when last heard of, in or near Harrisburg, Penn. Andrew NAGHTEN, his brother, has made a voyage to this country, for the special purpose of ascertaining if the said Michael is still living, as his existence is of much importance to his relations in Ireland. Any information that can be given will be thankfully received, made to Dennis BRADY, Harrisburg, or to his brother, corner of Prince and Elisabeth Streets, New York.

80 Dollars Reward. Broke Jail on the night of the 29th inst.:
John MYRES, about 5 feet 6 inches high, very stout built, dark complexion, marked with the Small Pox, small and crooked nose, large eye brows and down look, about 26 years of age. He is a shoemaker by trade, and carried off with him a set of shoemaker tools.
Felix M’GUIRE, about 5 feet 5 inches high, light build, dark hair, pale in the face, his teeth are considerably worn before and one of them decayed and black, he was born in Cumberland County, Pa.
The above described persons escaped from the Chambersburg Prison in May last, in company with David LEWIS and others; the above reward will be given for delivering them to the Keeper of the Chambersburg Prison, or 40 Dollars for either of them. John M. MACLAY, Sheriff.

Letters on hand, In the Post Office, Wilkesbarre, April 1st:
Philip ABBOT
Stephen ABBOT
Gideon BEEBE
Cornelius BELLIS
Samuel D. BETTLE
Newman BROWN
Harris COLT
William DENNIS
Edward FELL
William GRAHAM
William M. HART
Edward INMAN
Thomas KING
Henry F. LAMB
Christian MENCH
Ephraim PAGE
Martha QUAY
William RUSSEL
Philip R–HER
David SILSBEE, Jr.
Benjamin STUCKER
William TENCH
Abraham THOMAS
Sarah & Rebecca THOMAS
Thomas WILLIAMS, Jr.
Jacob CIST, P. M.

List of Letters, Remaining in the Post Office at Pittston, April 1st:
William MILLER
Cornelius NAFUS

List of Letters, Remaining in the Post Office at Kingston, March 31st:
Doct. Ethil B. BACON
George CORIL
Elizabeth CANOUSE
Solomon CHAPIN
John R. DEAN
Philip MYRES
David PERKINS, Esq.
James SHAW
Roswell G. WHEELER

Bridge Election for Stockholders of the Wilkesbarre Bridge Company to be held the 7th May, at two o’clock, in the afternoon, at the Court House, in the Borough of Wilkesbarre. Zurah SMITH, Sec’y.

20 April 1821

Married – In Hanover on the Sunday the 8th inst., by Isaac HARTZELL, Esq., Benjamin CAREY, Jr. to Miss Jane SMILIE, both of Hanover.

Married – On Tuesday last, by the same, John CHAPMAN, of Wilkesbarre, and Miss Nancy WOODS, of Hanover.

Another Revolutionary Hero has fallen. Died – On the morning of the 5th inst., after lingering and severe illness, at his house in Unity Township, the venerable William FINDLEY, a hero of the revolution, and for many years a representative in Congress from this district. Greens Gaz.

Summary of the Militia Law

Lancaster, April 7. The Legislature of Pennsylvania adjourned on Tuesday the 3rd inst. after a Session of 4 months, in which they passed upwards of 100 Laws, some of them very important.

27 April 1821

David CHAMPLIN, of Ontario, N. Y. a revolutionary pensioner, drew his pension on the 5th inst., returned home on the 6th, was buried on the 7th, and his son was married on the same day by the clergyman who had preached his fathers funeral sermon, and in the evening went to a dance!
O tempora! O mores!

Public Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of process issued by Joseph HIESTER, Governor of Pennsylvania, to Henry CLYMER, George CLYMER, John READ and James GIBSON, or the survivor or survivors (who survived Dr. Casper WISTAR) devisee in trust of all the real estate of George CLYMER, late of the city of Philadelphia and Samuel DICKENSON, John READ, Thomas CADWALADER and James GIBSON, administrators of Samuel MEREIDTH, deceased, or the survivor or survivors, dated the 12th February, 1821.
Will be sold, At the Court House in the Borough of Wilkesbarre, on Thursday the 24th day of May next, at three o’clock in the afternoon of said day, all the estate of the late John NICHOLSON, deceased in thirty nine tracts of land, warrants for which were taken in the names following – that is to say:
All dated 14 May 1789:
Elizabeth JACKSON
Susannah DUNCAN
Griffin EVANS
Alexander BOYD
All dated 16 November 1789:
Susannah BINNEY
Susannah WOODROW
Elizabeth JACKSON
Edward FOX
Clement BIDDLE
George TUDOR
Eleanor DUNLAP
Fifteen Thousand Nine Hundred Acres and thirty four Perches, and situate on the south branch of Tunkhannock creek, and its waters, and near a road laid out by John Nicholson, in Luzerne County.
Devisees in trust of all the Real Estate of George CLYMER
Adm’rs of Samuel MEREDITH, deceased.

To Creditors – Take Notice, that the subscribers have applied to the Judges of the court of Common Pleas of Luzerne for the benefit of Insolvent Laws, and they have appointed Saturday the 12th May next for the purpose of hearing us and our creditors, at the Court House in Wilkesbarre:
William SICKLER 2nd
John SICKLER 2nd

Estate of William A. GEORGE, dec’d, late of Wilkesbarre, requests payments and demands. Isaac HARTZELL, Administrator.

New Store, opposite Col. BUCKINGHAM’S, in Tunkhannock, and will open on the 23rd inst. with a general assortment of New Goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Glass and Tin Ware, Leather, Nails, Hats, Cotton Yarn, &c. &c. Which Goods have been purchased in New York at Auction, for Cash, will enable them to sell very low for Cash, Grain, Deer Skins, Furs and Country Produce generally. Joseph TUTTLE & Son, Tunkhannock.

An Act to continue in force “An Act for the appraisement of estates taken in execution.”

The Wyoming Guards will meet at the house of Thomas H. MORGAN, in the borough of Wilkesbarre on Monday, the 7th May next at 9 o’clock in the forenoon (in blue uniform) equipt as the law directs. By order of the captain. S. D. BETTLE, O. S.

Battalion Orders. The enrolled inhabitants residing within the bounds of the first Battalion of the 76th Regiment, Pennsylvania Militia, are hereby directed to meet in Companies at such places as the several captains of commanding Officers shall appoint on Thursday the 17th day of May next, armed and equiped for Military discipline as the law directs. Henry GREEN, Major, Abington.

Regimental Orders. The 2nd Regiment of Pennsylvania Militia will train by companies on Saturday the 19th of May next, at such places as the Captain or Commanding Officer of each Company shall direct. Isaac BOWMAN, Col. 2nd Reg., P. M.

Caution. This is to Caution all persons from taking an assignment of a Judgment Bond given by William CLARK, of Abington Township, County of Luzerne, to Jacob SHECK for Nine Hundred Dollars, dated April 1817, with interest from date, and Bond having been stolen from among the papers of the said Jacob SHECK, since his decease. Joseph PATRICK, Administrator, Sunbury, Delaware Co., Ohio.

4 May 1821

Married – On Thursday the 26th of April, by Samuel THOMAS, Esq., James BOWMAN, Esq., Attorney at Law, to Miss Harriet DRAKE, both of Wilkesbarre.

Died – At Hartford, Con. on the 7th ult., aged 68, Elisha BABCOCK. He established the American Mercury in conjunction with Joel BARLOW, in the year 1783, and continued its publication to his death. He was a Whig of the revolution and has ever since faithfully adhered to its principles.

The ex-deputy attorney general of Susquehanna County, and his cats paw PHELPS, are busy we are told in circulating Petitions for the removal of Messrs. POST and DIMOCK from offices in Susquehanna. We trust the executive will not be deceived by the tricks of his enemies – the tools of corruption are busy, and their whole aim at present seems to be to throw society into confusion that they may profit from the storm.

An Act, To extend the time for patenting of Lands in the Seventeen Townships of Luzerne & for other purposes.

11 May 1821

At a Circuit Court held at Newark, New Jersey, the week before last, Miss Mary DUNHAM obtained a verdict of five hundred dollars, against James COMPTON, for neglecting to fulfil a Promise to marry.

At a late term of the Circuit Court held at Newburg, New York, Miss Rachel HASBROUCK, obtaining a verdict of three thousand dollars, against Henry WYCOFF, for a Breach of Promise of Marriage.

Married – In this borough on Wednesday evening by Rev. BIBBINS, Justus GOULD to Miss Margaret CONNER.

Died – On Sunday last, an infant daughter of Luman GILBERT, of Wilkesbarre Township.

Quarterly Meeting of the Susquehanna Baptist Association will take place on Friday the first day of June next, at 2 o’clock at the house of Tarball MUROW, in Huntington, Luzerne County.

In Washington, Pa., John SCOTT was lately tried for the murder of John VANNAMAN; the jury found SCOTT guilty of murder in the second degree; and the Court sentenced him to 18 years confinement in the Penitentiary – one half of the time in solitary confinement.

On Wednesday last, Philip NICE, a farmer of Chester County, was instantly killed by a fall from his waggon, the wheels passing over his body.

Miss HENTZ has the honor to inform the public that she designs to give lessons in Embroidery and all kinds of Needle Work to those young Ladies who wish to be instructed. Also Mr. HENTZ and Miss HENTZ propose to give lessons in Vocal and Instrumental Music and to teach the French Language.

Orphans’ Court Sale to be held on the 16th July next, as the estate of Zebulon BUTLER, late of the Borough of Wilkesbarre, for tracts of land in Wilkesbarre Township and in Bedford Township. Garrick MALLERY & Steuben BUTLER, Administrators.

18 May 1821

Public Vendue to be held 13th June for several tracts of land from the estate of Thomas WRIGHT, Esq., late of Wilkesbarre. Includes land in Wilkesbarre, Pittston and Northmoreland Townships. Asher MINER, Executor.

Caution. The pubic are cautioned against purchasing or taking any assignment of a note given by the subscriber to William DOWNING, dated sometime in Dec. 1820 and January 1821, for fifteen dollars, with an endorsement thereon of one dollar and eighteen cents, as the note was obtained without value, and I am determined not to pay the same unless compelled by law. Richard KEENEY, Braintrim.

Died – In Greenfield, Luzerne County on 8th February last, Mrs. Polly VAIL, wife of Joshua VAIL and daughter of James BROWN, aged 22 years.

Died – In the same town, Joshua VAIL, aged 26 years, husband of the aforesaid, on 4th March.

Died – On the 28th March, Mrs. Huldah TAYLOR, aged 27 years, another daughter of James BROWN.

Died – On the 28th March, James BROWN Jr., aged 24 years, son of James BROWN.

On the 16th March, at Pittston, Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of John BENEDICT, and daughter of the aforesaid James BROWN, aged 30 years.

It is seldom we see death making such universal havoc in a single family as in the present instance. The deceased were all in the prime of life, and but a little time ago composed a happy circle. Let this be a warning to all, and a lesson to man to be prepared to meet his God.

Public Meeting held of the 1st Battalion, 2nd Regiment of the 2nd Brigade, 8th Division, P. M., on the 15th inst., at the house of Naphtali HURLBUT in Kingston Township, Elias HOYT was called to the chair and James HANCOCK was appointed secretary. The following were chosen candidates to be supported in the ensuing election of officers:
Brigadier General: Isaac BOWMAN
Inspector of the 2nd Brig. 8th Div.: Samuel THOMAS
Colonel of the 2nd Reg.: Simon TUBBS
Lieutenant Colonel: Stephen VAN LOON
Major of the 1st Batt. 2nd Reg.: Nathan CARY

25 May 1821

This newspaper is now published by Samuel MAFFET, Main Street, near the Court House, Wilkes Barre.

The spotted fever prevails in some of the towns of New Hampshire.
Public Meeting held of the _(torn)_ Battalion, 2nd Regiment P. M., on the 19th inst., at the Court House, Capt. John MYRES was called to the chair and Capt. Adam OEHMIG was appointed secretary. The following were chosen candidates to be supported in the ensuing election of officers:
Brigadier General: Isaac BOWMAN
Inspector of the 2nd Brig. 8th Div.: Maj. John PERKINS
Colonel of the 2nd Reg.: John SNYDER
Lieutenant Colonel: Capt. James NESBITT
Major of the 1st Batt. 2nd Reg.: Nathan CAREY

The Militia Delegation held a public meeting of different companies of the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Regiment of P. M., on the 14th inst., at the house of John JONES, borough of Berwick, John TUBBS was called to the chair and Thomas BEACH was appointed secretary. The following were chosen candidates to be supported in the ensuing election of officers:
Brigadier General: Isaac BOWMAN
Inspector: Samuel THOMAS, of Kingston
Colonel: Simon TUBBS, of Huntington
Lieutenant Colonel: George KELCHNER, of Briar Creek, Columbia Co.
Major: Christopher BOWMAN, of Huntington

Militia Meeting, of Capt. BITTENBENDER’S Company of Nescopeck and Sugarloaf Township, held at the house of John ROTHERMEL, in Nescopeck on the 17th May, John ROTHERMEL was chosen Chairman and John HUTCHINS, jr., Secretary
Brigadier General: Isaac A. CHAPMAN, of Nescopeck
Colonel : John SNYDER
Lieutenant Colonel: George KELCHNER, of Briar Creek, Columbia Co.
Major: Jacob DRUMHELLER, Jr., of Sugarloaf

Montrose – At a meeting of a number of citizens held at the house of Daniel CURTIS, for the purpose of the approaching military election. Charles CATLIN was appointed Chairman and Bela JONES, Secretary. It was resolved to support:
Brigadier General: Isaac POST
Brigade Inspector: Major Edward PACKER
Colonel of the 76th Reg. : Col. John BUCKINGHAM
Lieutenant Colonel of the 76th Reg.: Capt. Daniel LATHROP
Major of the 2nd Batt. of the 76th Reg.: Bela JONES

Thomas WILSON, aged 102 and his wife, Elizabeth, at an advanced age, died near Hillsborough, N. C., within a few hours of each other; and what may be considered as somewhat singular, the wife of Mr. WILSON’S son was delivered of two children on the same evening. Recorder

1 June 1821 (paper out of order – microfilmed after 8 June)

Questions For Sunday Schools # 1 – 45

We learn Isaac POST Esq., is not a candidate for Brigadier General at the coming election of officer.

Militia Meeting of the 76th Reg. 2nd Brigade, held at the boarding house Abington Cotton Factory in Abington, Tuesday 22nd inst., James DEAN was called to the chair and Ebenezer WILCOX Jr. was appointed Secretary. It was unanimously agreed to support the following candidates:
Brigadier General: Isaac BOWMAN
Brigadier: Henry GREEN

Militia Meeting of members of the Wilkesbarre and Pittston Rifle Blues was held at the house of John CAREY, Saturday the 26th, and choose Lieut. John CAREY as chariman and Henry COURTRIGHT, Secretary. Resolved to support:
Brigadier General: Isaac BOWMAN
Lieut. Col. John SNYDER of Berwick
Capt. James NESBITT
Major: Capt. John BUTLER

Militia Meeting held at the house of Peter HALLOCK, Pittston on the 27th to nominate persons as candidates for officers in the Militia, Joseph ARMSTRONG was called to the chair and Peter HALLOCK, Secretary. Agreed to support:
Brigadier General: Isaac BOWMAN
Inspector: John PERKINS
Colonel of the 76th: John BUCKINGHAM
Lieutenant Colonel: Edward PACKER
Major of 1st Batt. 76th Reg.: John BENEDICT
Committee of Vigilance: Richard H. BROWN and Benjamin SMITH

Laws of Pennsylvania. Passed at the Session of the Legislature of 1820-1821.
An Act to provide for the enumeration of the taxable inhabitants and slaves within this Commonwealth.
An Act to encourage the apprehension of persons who shall have committed the crime of horse stealing.
An Act to prevent the increase of pauperism in this Commonwealth.

8 June 1821

Questions For Sunday Schools # 46 – 94

Militia Elections – From the returns received we have no doubt that Isaac BOWMAN, is elected Brigadier General, Samuel THOMAS, Inspector of the Brigade, John SNYDER, Colonel and George KELCHNER, Lieut. Colonel and Nathan CAREY, Major.

Wyoming Herald – It is rumored that a number of Warrants have been lately issued from the Land office of this state, in the names of different persons calling for Land in the five Townships, viz. Wilkesbarre, Kingston, Plymouth, Pittston and Hanover, which in the original allotment, under the Susquehanna Company have been sequestered and reserved to the proprietors and the Public, for accommodating Roads. The fact if true is not less ungenerous than alarming. It should excite to an immediate meeting of the Proprietors in their several Townships, to consult upon measures best calculated to defeat such and unexpected speculation in the bud. If the Warrants have issued, there is no time to loose in adopting a peaceable system of legal and uniform opposition to the issuing of the Patents; and the write of this short note would submit whether it would not be expedient for the several Proprietors in their respective Townships in order to effect this, immediately to call meetings to defeat the Warrants if it be practicable, either by entering Caveats to the issuing of the Patents, or the taking of some other peaceful course, as will be equally effectual. It is further suggested, that after such several meetings should be held, and their sense ascertained, whether it would not be expedient to appoint one or more of their number as Delegates, to meet the Delegates and other Proprietors at Wilkesbarre or Kingston, on a given day, to agree on measures to be pursued which may be uniform through the five townships. An Old Settler.

Six Cents Reward. Ranaway from the Subscriber on Tuesday the 6th inst. an apprentice to the Blacksmithing business, named Robert STIVERS. All persons are forbid harboring or trusting said boy at their peril. Conrad LINES, Newport.

Junior Volunteers Members will meet at the house of Thomas H. MORGAN, in Wilkesbarre on the 16th June for an election. Anderson DANA Jr. 1st Lieut.

Borough of Wilkesbarre Statement for year ending 30 April 1820 and 1821, including some Borough Expenses:
George HAINES for Surveying
Luther YARINGTON for work on road at the pump, and mowing Pound
John MILLER for ringing Bell
Peleg TRACY, Clerk
Daniel WHITE, Joseph SLOCUM, Stephen HODGDON for pump expenses
A. PARRISH, street commissioner
Workers: Job GIBBS, Joseph SLOCUM, Jacob J. DENNIS, Daniel WHITE and Stephen HODGDON

15 June 1821

Questions For Sunday Schools # 95 – 118

Matthew M’KINNEY, aged between 60 and 70 years, died lately in the Orange County jail, where he had been confined 30 years for a simple debt. Six months imprisonment for petite larceny, three years for horse stealing, several years for manslaughter, and thirty for the crime of being in debt!

Masonic. The Brethren of Lodge No. 61 are requested to meet at the Lodge Room on the 24th inst. to celebrate the anniversary of St. John the Baptist. A public discourse will be delivered at the Meeting-house by Rev. GILDERSLEEVE, on behalf of the fraternity. Benjamin REYNOLDS, Harris JENKINS, Ezra HOYT, Committee.

Militia Election. It is reduced to certainty that:
Brigadier General: Isaac BOWMAN
Inspector: Smauel THOMAS
Col.: John SNYDER
Lt. Col.: George KELCHNER
Major of the 1st: Nathan CAREY
Major of the 2nd: Benjamin STOOKEY

100 Barrels of Superfine Flour for sale at 3,25 per barrel at the store of M. HOLLENBOCK & Co.

22 June 1821

Married – In Kingston on Thursday the 14th by Rev. LANE, Beach J. TUTTLE, of Tunkhannock to Miss Fanny JENKINS, of Kingston.

Died – Another Revolutionary Patriot gone. Died – On Friday afternoon last, after a lingering illness Capt. Andrew LEE, of Hanover, at an advanced age.

Died – Lately at Huntington. Mrs. Lucy WATSON, wife of Ameriah WATSON, at an advanced age.

Died – Lately at Dallas, Jude BALDWIN. (no date)

Died – Almon BALDWIN, son of Jude BALDWIN, deceased. (no date)

Questions For Sunday Schools # 119 – 167

29 June 1821

Questions For Sunday Schools # 168 – 196

James SILCOCKS was committed to the Canandaigua prison for killing Amasa HOAG. Both were in a state of intoxication when the act was committed. Let this be a warning to drunkards how they meddle with the bewitching bowl. Newark Centinel

Married – At Eaton on Sunday the 17th inst., by Elisha HARDING Jun, Esq., John WILSON, Jun. to Miss Sally ROBERTS, both of that place.

Brigade Election:
Brigadier General: Isaac BOWMAN, of Luzerne Co.
Inspector: Samuel THOMAS, of Luzerne County
For the 70th Regiment::
Jeremiah BAKER, of Susquehanna County
Lieut. Col.: Amos TIFFANY, Susquehanna County
Major: Pope BUSHWELL, of Wayne County
Major: Franklin N. AVERY, of Susquehanna County
For the 76th Regiment:
Lieut. Col.: Daniel LATHROP, of Susquehanna County
1st Major: Miles AVERY, Luzerne County
Major Francis FORDHAM, Susquehanna County
For the 2nd Regiment:
Col.: John SNYDER, Columbia County
Lieut. Col.: George KELCHNER, Columbia County
1st Major: Nathan CAREY, Luzerne County
2nd Major: Benjamin STOOKEY, Luzerne County

Drift Rails taken up near Shickshinney, a small raft of pine rails. Isaiah LONGSHORE, Salem.

Stray horse came to the premises of John JAMESON, 3 miles from Wilkesbarre on the 11th.

6 July 1821

Questions For Sunday Schools # 197 – 235

Married – In Braintrim on Sunday evening last, by Josiah FASSET, Esq., Thomas J. BROOKS, of Wilkes-Barre to Miss Eliza CHAMPIN, of the former place.

Died – In Sugarloaf township on the 23rd June last after an illness of about four years, Mrs. DRUM, wife of George DRUM, Esq., aged 55 years, 8 months and 24 days. She was married 35 years ago and has an affectionate husband, six sons and two daughters to lament her death. She bore the character of a kind and good wife, a tender mother and an obliging neighbor.

The Fourth of July was celebrated by the citizens of this place in two parties in the neighborhood of Mr. CONNOR’S Mineral Spring. The day passed off in harmony and without party distinction or acrimony. No set toasts were drank by either of these meetings, but several sentiments truly American were offered and well received. The Junior Volunteers celebrated the day in the Borough, and performed a variety of evolutions, firing &c. No accident occurred to mar the general festivity – they met in peace and in peace they parted.

Letters on Hand in the Post Office, Wilkesbarre, July 1st:
Mason Crary
Joanna & Wm. COLE
Comfort CARY
Chester DANA
Richd. FARBY
Jonathan FINCHER
Peter GRUB
James HALF
Jehoida P. JOHNSON
Reuben JONES
Tilman KULP
Peter MILL
Christ. MENCH
Saml. & Geo. MILLER
Clarissa MARBLE
Elvira A. PERRY
Archibald PARRISH
Martha QUAY
Elizabeth STERLING
Valentine SMITH
Joseph SHOHK
Crandal WILCOX
Chas. W. WELLS
Jacob CIST, P. M.

13 July 1821

Questions For Sunday Schools # 236 – 267

Died – In Hanover, on 15th June last, after a long and severe illness, Capt. Andrew LEE, in the 82nd year of his age. He was a Soldier of the Revolution. He entered service as a volunteer in BRADDOCK’S army. In 1776 he enlisted as a Lieut. in the Congress Regiment, commanded by Col. HAZEN, and was detached under Gen. MONTGOMERY to Canada. He was taken prisoner on Staten Island and held by the British for two years. He was severely wounded in the Battle of Springfield, New Jersey, having his thigh broken, a wound from which he did not soon recover. After the close of the war he returned to Paxton, Lancaster County (now Dauphin) where he continued to reside until 1805, at which period he removed to Luzerne County. (See obituary)

Sale of Pews of the Wilkesbarre Meeting House will be exposed to public sale by the vendue on Saturday the twenty-first day of July inst. at four in the afternoon – to be sold for t he term of one year. G. MALLERY, G. DENISON, A. BEAUMONT, Committee.

$10,000 Legacy. Has been bequeathed by the late Jacob SHERRED, Painter and Glazier of the city of New York, to his sister Elizabeth, and in case of her death to her heirs. The above Elizabeth was married to Jeremiah ADLEY, or ATLEY, or ARTLEY, a mason by profession, and either a German or German descent. His father was a gardener to Col. PHILLIPS, of Philip’s Manor, now Yonkers, Westchester County, New York, the place of her nativity, from whence she moved, with her husband and child or children, 20 or 30 years ago to (it is believed) the Manor of the Hon. S. VAN RENSSELAER. It is presumed the removed from the latter place as her husband was seen in the neighborhood of Batavia, Gennesee Co., New York. Any information respecting the family will be attended to by Jno CORNELION, Geo. ARCULARIUS, Jacob LORILLARD, executors, New York.

20 July 1821

Questions For Sunday Schools # 268 – 324

Married – In Hanover, on Sunday the 15th inst. by Isaac HARTZELL, Esq., John E. INMAN to Miss Polly HANNIS, all of that township.

List of Letters On hand – Kingston, July 1st:
Daniel BRACE
William BLACK
William HARRIS
Jos. E. HUFF
William HICKS
Griffin LEWIS
Samuel OHNCH
Anthony ORR
Albert SKEER
James SHAW
John WORT, Jr.

Lehigh-Coal and Navigation Company. A few good working hands will be taken by said Company at their works, at the Lehigh, immediately after harvest. Apply at Mauch Chunk, On the Lehigh.

Take Notice. Whereas, I lately gave notice in the public Papers that I was determined not to pay a certain Promissory note given to William DOWNING, unless I was compelled by law, which I did in my haste, and with a design to prevent him from selling the same, and not to defraud the said DOWNING out of his pay, as it was his just due. This is therefore to acknowledge to the public that I did wrong in thus publicly refusing to pay or acknowledge the debt. Richard KEENEY, Braintrim.

27 July 1821

Section cut from page 1

Questions For Sunday Schools # 325 – 390

Junior Volunteers will meet on the 4th August at the Market House in Wilkesbarre. James A. GORDON, Captain elect.

Thomas D. FANNING, has in a mysterious manner, disappeared from a circle of his acquaintances and connections. He is about 38 years of age, 5 feet 9 inches in height, light complexion, slender form, dull of hearing, a little impediment in his speech, and a scar on the joint of one of his thumbs; his back is also scarred; his last known place of residence was in a town on the Genessee River, New York. Send information to Daniel MONTGOMERY, Esq., Mahoning Township, Columbia Co.

3 August 1821

Questions For Sunday Schools # 391 – 429

A certain method of securing horses from flies and all other insects, consists in rubbing them every morning with Walnut Leaves.

Section cut from page 3

The barn of James S. LEE, of Hanover, was struck by lightning and consumed, together with a large quantity of Hay and grain, which had but just been harvested. Thus has an industrious individual a moment been deprived of nearly the whole proceeds of his Farm, and left destitute of bread for his family, and of fodder for his horses & cattle. The liberality of those who have and to spare now be exercised.

Thursday last the Rev. Cyrus GILDERSLEEVE was installed as pastor over the Presbyterian Congregations of Wilkesbarre and Kingston.

Mr. GROSS had an arm shot off at the late celebration of the 4th July in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.

In Chenango County, Miss MORGAN obtained a verdict of one thousand dollars against Mr. SHERWOOD, for slander.

The Democratic Republicans of Luzerne County are invited to attend a public Meeting, to be held at the Court House in Wilkesbarre on Tuesday evening of the ensuing August Court-Week, at six-o’clock, for the purpose of making arrangements for the approaching General Election. Standing Committee.

10 August 1821

Questions For Sunday Schools # 430 – 470

Died – At Philadelphia, on the second inst., of _(faded)_ illness, Jacob HASSINGER, Esq., Merchant of that City, in the 61st year of his age.

Appointment by the Governor. Gen. John CUMMING, Associate Judge in and for the county of Lycoming, vice William HEPBURN, deceased.

Lost on Wednesday, 2nd August inst., on the Easton and Wilkesbarre Turnpike, between Tobehanna and Wilkesbarre (as is supposed) a small package, containing two letters &c. One of the Letters was directed to Thomas & James DODSON., Huntington, Luzerne County. As these papers cannot be of value to the finder, it is hoped he or she will had them to the Editor of the Susquehanna Democrat, who is authorized to pay a suitable reward.

Estate of Jacob VOSBURY, late of Tunkhannock Township, requests payments and demands. Jacob VOSBURY or Daniel VOSBURY, Administrators, Tunkhannock. [Note surname should be VOSBURGH – see next paper]

Estate of Jesse HOPKINS, requests payments and demands. Abiel FELLOWS, Executor, Huntington.

To Creditors – Take Notice, that the subscribers have applied to the Judges of the court of Common Pleas of Luzerne for the benefit of Insolvent Laws, and they have appointed Saturday the 29 September next for the purpose of hearing us and our creditors, at the Court House in Wilkesbarre. George KEARNS.

Wool Carding. The subscribers now have in operation two carding machines at the Grist Mill belonging to HOLGATE & HICKS, and are about starting a third. All kinds of Country Produce taken at Market Price. HOLGATE & ROYAL, Kingston.

17 August 1821

Questions For Sunday Schools # 471 – 513

Take Notice. Whereas, Eunice, my wife, has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation, and refuses to live with me, I do hereby forbid all persons harbouring or trusting her on my account, as I am determined not to pay any debts of her contracting after this date. Ira WILLCOX, Asylum Township, Bradford County, Aug. 12.

Estate of Jacob VOSBURGH, late of Tunkhannock Township, requests payments and demands. Isaac VOSBURGH or Daniel VOSBURGH, Administrators, Tunkhannock.

Died – On Thursday evening, the 9th inst. near Wilkesbarre, Robert DOW, aged about 14 years, son of Thomas DOW. His death was occasioned by falling from a horse, while in the act of running a race got up by a number of work-hands, in the absence of both his parents. He was buried on Saturday.

Died – In Salem, on the 7th inst., Elisha CORTRIGHT in the 75th year of his age. He was thrown from a waggon about a week previous, and was so severely injured as to cause his death after a few days of lingering pain. He bore the character of an upright man and a good citizen, and has left a large number of relations and friends to lament his melancholy fate.

We learn by a letter from Danville that the Grand Jury of Columbia County found two bills of Indictment, containing seven distinct counts against George SWENEY, for libellous matter published in the Watchman, reflecting upon the character of David PETRIKIN, Prothonotary of that county. SWENEY swore them off until next term, when they will be tried. We also learn by the same letter that Mr. COOPER, editor of the Republican Press, was arrested at the suit of SWENEY, for a libel, but the libellous matter was not set forth in the information, not was any bill presented to the Grand Jury and thus the matter rests for present.

Public Meeting held on Aug. 7th at the Court House, in Wilkesbarre, when Josiah FASSETT, Esq., was called to the chair and John P. BABB, appointed Secretary. The object of the meeting was resolved to elect Committees of vigilance for each township throughout the county, when the following persons were duly elected:
Sugar Loaf – George DRUM, senior, Valentine SIEWELL, Samuel YOST
Nescopeck – Yost DRIESBACH, Peter ROCKEL, George KEEN
Salem – Sebastian SEYBERT, John VARNER, Adam BRADER
Huntington – Jonathan WESTOVER, Simon TUBBS, Elisha MYERS
Union – William HORNED, Richard DODSON, Adam MASTERS
Plymouth – John TURNER, Freeman THOMAS, Ziba DAVENPRT
Kingston – Joseph TUTTLE, John BENNET, Harris JENKINS
Dallas – Wm. SHAVER, Abraham S. HUNNEWELL, Alexander FERGUSON
Exeter – Ezekiel GOBLE, Wm. M. MILLAN, John HARDING, Jr.
Newport – John A. LOEB, Andrew GRUBB, Michael GRUVER
Wilkesbarre – G. M. HOLLENBACK, Daniel COLLINGS, John MYERS
Pittston – Peter WINTER, Charles DRAKE, Eliphalet SMITH
Hanover – Wm. APPLE, Nathan CAREY, Jonathan DILLEY
Providence – John S. DINGS, Isaac HART, Michael SWARTZ
Greenfield – Daniel WETHERBEE, Westcott STONE, John LOWRIE, Jun.
Blakeley – E. S. POTTER, Samuel FERRIS, John VAUGHN
Abington – Dr. H. GREEN, Henry HALL, Asa KNIGHT
Nicholson – Nathan BACON, John MARCY, Henry FELTON, Jr.
Tunkhannock – Miles AVERY, Luman FERRY, Oliver STARK
Braintrim – Joshua KEENEY, Moses OVERFIELD, George MOWRY, Jr.
Windham – Charles ROBINSON, Ambrose GAREY, Jr., Jasper FASSETT
Eaton – Forbes LEE, Simon CHESLEY, Jesse LEE
Northmoreland – Sherman LOOMIS, Josiah NEWBERRY, Uriah ROGERS
Covington – Stephen G. BARNES, Conrad SAX, Charles TEWILLIGER
Standing Committee for following year – Harris JENKINS, John TURNER, Andrew BEAUMONT

Militia Nomination. In consequence of Notice by the Brigade Inspector, for holding an election on the 30th day of August, inst., a number of the enrolled Inhabitants of the several Townships composing the Regiment formed out of what was formerly the First Battalion of the Second Regiment, met at the house of Archippus PARRISH, in the Borough of Wilkesbarre, on Saturday the 11th inst., Major Stephen VAN LOON was called to the chair and Geo. W. WILLIAMS, appointed Secretary. That this meeting recommended:
Colonel of Regiment: Capt. Harris JENKINS
Lieut. Colonel: Major Nathan CAREY

Brigade Orders by an arrangement of the Brigadier General and the Colonels of the Second Brigade Eighth Division, Pennsylvania Militia the following new arrangement have taken place.
The enrolled Militia formerly the Second Battalion in the 2nd Regiment, to form one Regiment, and the River to be the division of the Battalions. And the Battalion on the East side of the river are therefore hereby notified to meet at the house of George KEEN in Nescopeck Township on 31st August for elections.
And the Inhabitants, formerly the First Battalion in the 2nd Regiment, including the Township of Pittston and Exeter as far up as Laton SLOCUM’S are to form one Regiment, and the river to be the division of the Battalions – the Battalion on the east side of the river are hereby notified to meet at the Court House in Wilkesbarre on the 30th August, for elections.
And all the Enrolled Inhabitants residing within the County of Luzerne, above the last above mentioned Regiment, are to form one Regiment. And the Townships of Exeter, Northmoreland, Eaton, Tunkhannock, Braintrim and Windham, are to form One Battalion, and the said Battalion are hereby notified to meet at the house of Jesse LEE, in Eaton Township on the 30th, for elections.
And the townships of Nicholson, Greenfield, Blakeley, Abington and Providence are to form one Battalion, and to meet at the house of Russel CHAHOON, Abington Township, on the 30th for elections.
And the County of Susquehanna is formed into One Regiment.
And the County of Wayne is formed into One Regiment.
The Volunteer Battalion, composed of the Rifle Companies, commanded by Capt. Jacob J. BOGARDUS and Capt. John MYERS and the Wyoming Guards commanded by Capt. John L. BUTLER, are notified to meet at the house of Naphtali HURLBUT, in Kingston Township on the 29th August, for elections.
The Wyoming Guards are notified to meet at the Court House in Wilkesbarre on the 31st, for election.
The Rifle Company, commanded by Capt. John MYERS, to meet at the house of John CAREY, on the Plains, on the 1st September, for elections.
The Rifle Company commanded by Capt. Jacob J. BOGARDUS, will meet at the house of William HUNT, in Dallas, on the 3rd September, for elections.
Samuel THOMAS, Inspector, 2nd Brigade, 8th Division, P. M., Kingston

To Creditors – Take Notice, that the subscribers have applied to the Judges of the court of Common Pleas of Luzerne for the benefit of Insolvent Laws, and they have appointed Saturday the 10 September next for the purpose of hearing us and our creditors, at the Court House in Wilkesbarre. Joseph VON SICK, Meansville.

24 August 1821

Questions For Sunday Schools # 514 – 551

Qualifications of Electors – Synopsis of the constitution of the several States, relative to the qualification of Electors, extracted from a small pamphlet called the “Convention Manual.”
Pennsylvania – Every freeman, 2 years resident having paid a tax, and their sons between 21 and 22
New Jersey – All inhabitants worth 50 pounds proclamation money clear estate, and 12 months resident.
New York – Every male inhabitant, resident 5 months, having paid taxes, and possessing a freehold worth 20 pounds or paying 40 shillings yearly rent. For senators, freeholds of 100 pounds clear estate.
(See article for listing of other states)

A woman named Clarissa STAR has advertised in the Delaware Gazette (Ohio), for information respecting her husband, Martin STAR, whom she is accused of having murdered; and is arrested with a warrant in behalf of the State of Ohio, in Union County. Her husband, she says, is about 70 years of age, grey haired and hard of hearing. Whoever may have any knowledge of the existence of said STAR, are desired to communicate the same through the medium of the Delaware Gazette or by letter to Hon. William GABRIEL, Union County, Ohio.

St. Genevieve, Mo., June 26th. Yesterday evening was arrested in St. Genevieve, by Sheriff VALLE, Timothy BENNET, accused of the murder of Alphonso STEWART, about two years ago, in St. Clair Co., Illinois. BENNETT, after the murder, broke jail, and escaped to the Red River country, where he remained for nearly two years. At length, thinking that the circumstance was forgotten, he ventured to return, to take away his family. Information being given to Mr. OLIVER, that BENNETT was in Genevieve, he issued a warrant to the Sheriff, Mr. F. VALLE, who promptly took the accused into custody, after a severe recontre. During the affray, BENNETT’S wife attempted to shoot Mr. G. A. BIRD, who aided the sheriff, but the pistol was taken from her without doing any injury. The prisoner will be taken into Illinois.

Another Revolutionary Hero Gone – Major General Wm. FLOYD, one of the few remaining members of Congress, who signed the Declaration of Independence, died on Friday, the 3rd inst., at Western, Oneida County, N. Y. He was in his 90th year. Thomas JEFFERSON, John ADAMS, and Charles CARROLL, are all who yet survive among the signers of the Declaration of Independence. The venerable Charles THOMPSON, Secretary of the Continental Congress, is still alive in Pennsylvania.

If James DODSON, of Nescopeck, Luzerne County, will call at the Office of the Susquehanna Democrat, he will hear of something to his advantage.

Marshal’s Sale, to be held at the Court House, Wilkesbarre, Sept. 10th next, for a tract of land called “Milnor’s Lot,” situated on the waters of the Tunkhannock Creek, bounded by the lands of Nicholas YOUNG, MEREDITH & Company, William M’DONALD, containing 347 acres, being same tract of land which was surveyed in pursuance of Warrant dated 27 Feb. 1775, granted to Christopher IRWIN, and for which a Patent was granted to Charles STEWART on the 10th August 1795, and which John B. WALLACE, by indenture dated the same day and year, granted unto Asa DIMOCK and his heirs. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John RODOONE against Asa DIMOCK, Asa COBB, Gideon LEWIS and others, Terre Tenants. John CONRAD, Marshal, by Elijah SHOEMAKER, Dep.

Married – In Wilkesbarre Township, on Thursday the 9th inst., by Rev. LANE, James LAIRD Jun. to Miss Susanna CAREY.

During the Shower on Saturday evening last, the barn and stabling attached to the late residence of Thomas WRIGHT, in this township, with their contents, were entirely destroyed by lightning. It was occupied by Ezra WILLIAMS, and was filled with Grain, Hay, Flax &c. which was all destroyed, together with a waggon and harness. Mr. WILLIAMS has been deprived of the whole proceeds of his labor for the past year and is left destitute. Let those who have and to spare contribute to his relief.

Militia Nominations:
Meeting held at house of Philip MYERS, Kingston on the 30th August, at the house of Archippus PARRISH, Wilkesbarre on the 11th, Stephen VAN LOON was called to the chair and Asa JACKSON, appointed Secretary, resolved Ziba DAVENPORT suitable for the office of Major.
Meeting held at the house of Charles OTIS, Tunkhannock, on 20th August, Luman FERRY was called to the chair and Alfred HINE appointed Secretary, and resolved that Major Henry GREEN be supported for Colonel and Capt. Homan MORGAN as Lieutenant Col.
Meeting held at the house of Charles OTIS, Tunkhannock on the 21st August, Luman FERRY called to the chair and Beach J. TUTTLE, appointed Secretary, recommended Henry GREEN be supported for Colonel of said Regiment at the approaching election. That this meeting highly disapproved the nomination of Capt. Homan MORGAN as Lieut. Col. but recommended Miles AVERY as Lieut. Col.
Meeting at the house of A. PARRISH, 22nd August, , called Jacob J. DENNIS to the Chair and William WRIGHT, Secretary, to support Maj. John PERKINS, of Kingston for Col., and John BENEDICT of Pittston for Lieut. Col.
Meeting at the house of William SPENCE, Hanover, on 22nd, John ESPY called to the chair and John KIDNEY appointed secretary, to support Maj. John PERKINS for Col., and Major Nathan CAREY for Lieut. Col.

31 August 1821

Questions For Sunday Schools # 552 – 607

The following officers have been commissioned under the late Militia Law:
Brigadier Generals – 8th Division, 1st Brigade: Adam LIGHT and 2nd Brigade: Isaac BOWMAN
Brigade Inspectors: 8th Division, 1st Brigade: John BALDY and 2nd Brigade: Samuel THOMAS
[Other Divisions and Brigades also listed]

To Creditors – Take Notice, that the subscribers have applied to the Judges of the court of Common Pleas of Luzerne for the benefit of Insolvent Laws, and they have appointed Saturday the 29 September next for the purpose of hearing us and our creditors, at the Court House in Wilkesbarre. Henry CORTRIGHT, 2nd

Died – In this Borough on Sunday last, Ira B. PALMER, aged about 20 years, and on Monday his remains were decently interred in the Public Burying Ground. The deceased was a stranger in this place, a writing master by profession. He was a native of Great Britain, from whence he emigrated some time since.

Died – In Kingston on Thursday the 23rd August, William HUNTER, aged about 24 years.

Isaac BOWMAN, High Sheriff of county of Luzerne, do make known, a General Election will be held on Tuesday the 9th October next, at the following districts:
Sugar Loaf – At school house in Cunyngham
Salem – At house of late James CAMPBELL
Nescopeck – At house of Geo. KEEN
Huntington – At house of Stephen HARRISON
Union – At house of Ichabod SHAW
Plymouth – At the Academy School House
Newport – At house of late Christian STOUT
Hanover – At house of late Frederick CRISMAN
Wilkesbarre – At the courthouse
Kingston – At the house of Philip MYERS
Pittston – At the central school house
Providence – At the house of Stephen TRIPP
Greenfield – At the house of Samuel VAIL
Abington – At the house of Russell CHAHOON
Nicholson – At the house of Ebenezer STEPHENS
Tunkhannock – At the house of John M’CORD
Braintrim – At the house late of Daniel STERLING
Windham – At he house of Joseph BURGESS
Exeter – At the house of John HARDING
Eaton – At the house of Jesse LEE
Northmoreland – At the house of Orange FULLER
Blakeley – At the house of George HARBERGER
Dallas – At the house of Abel WHEELER
Covington – At the house of Geo. BUCK

7 September 1821

Tayloring. The subscribers respectfully inform their Friends and the Public at large, that they intend commencing the Tayloring Business at the house of George Taylor, in the township of Kingston, at New-Troy, on Monday the 10th inst. LABAR & ROSE.

Six Stray Sheep came to the premises of the subscriber sometime last summer. John JAMESON, Wilkesbarre Township.

A 3 or 4 year old Heifer came to the enclosure of the subscriber on the 9th August. Harry HARDING, Exeter.

Estate of Abraham VOSBURGH, late of Tunkhannock Township, requests payments and demands. Isaac VOSBURGH or Daniel VOSBURGH, Executors.

14 September 1821

Section cut from page 1

Questions For Sunday Schools # 608 – 637

A colored man, Jacob JOHNSON, was killed on the 17th inst. by the caving in of a cellar in James Street, in the village of Brooklyn.

Samuel GOULD, of Philadelphia, was lately murdered in Havanna, and his body found at the government house.

At a meeting of several towns in Susquehanna County, held at the court house, 3rd September, Samuel WARNER, Esq., was called to the chair and Philo BOSTWICK, appointed Secretary. Jabez HYDE, Jr. be recommended to support the Electors. Candidates recommended were:
Sheriff: Philander STEPHENS & Charles AVERY
Commissioner: Philo BOSTWICK
Coroner: Wm. WARD & Dan’l TROWBRIDGE
Auditor: Spencer LATHROP
Standing Committee: J. W. RAYNSFORD, Samuel WARNER and Wm. JESSUP

At a meeting of Delegates by the Democratic citizens of several townships convened at the house of Philip MYERS, Kingston, September 8th, Isaac HARTZELL, Esq. was called to the chair and Samuel CONRAD, appointed Secretary. They recommend support of:
Congress: Thomas MURRAY, jun.
Assembly: Andrew BEAUMONT
Commissioner: Josiah FASSETT
Auditor: Jacob DRUMHELLER, jr.
Committee to draft an Address: Col. Joseph BURGESS, Capt. Luman FERRY and John MYERS

A public meeting held at the house of A. PARRISH, Wilkesbarre, on the 10th inst., Oliver HELMES was called to the chair and George CHAHOON was appointed Secretary. Resolved to meet at the Court House in Wilkesbarre, the 19th inst.

The new State Capitol now erecting at Harrisburg, Pa., is in a forward state, and the Halls are expected to be ready for the reception of the Legislature. There are 86 hands at work on the buildings, and 24 employed in removing a hill and opening a street directly in front of the pubic building.

Wanted Immediately, as an Apprentice to the Hatting Business, a smart active lad about 14, 16 or 18 years of age. Isaac SMITH, Keeler’s Ferry, Tunkhannock Township.

21 September 1821

At a meeting of delegates from different parts of the County (17 townships being represented) at the Court House in Wilkesbarre on the 19th inst., Hezekiah PARSONS was called to the chair, and Charles BLACK appointed Secretary. The following to be promoted for election:
Congress: Wm. Cox ELLIS
Assembly: Cornelius CORTRIGHT
Commissioner: Hezekiah PARSONS
Auditor: Jacob DRUMHELLER, Jr.
Committee to draft address: Anderson DANA, James HUGHES and Dr. R. ROBINSON

At a meeting of different township, held on the 4th inst. for the purpose of nominating candidates, Asa PARK was appointed Chairman and Zenas BLISS, Secretary, Nominations made:
Representative: Charles CATLIN, Esq.
Sheriff: Jabez A. BIRCHARD & Samuel HODGDON
Commissioner: Charles GEER
Auditor: Isaac BROWNSON
Coroner: Charles DIMON
Standing Committee: David POST and Charles CATLIN

Questions For Sunday Schools # 638 – 665

Died – In Pittston, on the morning of the 17th inst., Thomas SMITH, aged about 84 years. He was formerly of East Haddam, Middlesex Co., Connecticut.

Caution – Whereas my wife, Mary, has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation, and refuses to live with me, I do hereby forbid all persons, trusting or harboring her on my account, as I am determined not to pay any debts of her contracting after this date. Elijah HARRIS 1st, Kingston Township (no date given)

28 September 1821

County Commissioner candidates:
Josiah FASSETT, Esq., a gentleman of good character, a good scholar and will, if elected no doubt make a good officer.
Capt. Hezekiah PARSONS, a gentleman of good character, a good scholar and possesses an independence of mind and a sound discriminating judgment, which ensure to the public, in case of hiss success, an officer equal to any the county has heretofore had. As he is not so generally known as Mr. FASSETT I deem it but fair to state that he resides in Laurel Run in the township of Wilkesbarre, where he is engaged in the Fulling and Drying of Cloth and in Domestic manufactures. Both are Democrats.
Jacob DRUMHELLER Jr. is placed on both tickets for auditor. He is deserving of pubic confidence and will not disappoint the public expectation.

Nathan BEACH, Esq. A few days ago we received a Certificate signed by several of the Proprietors of Salem Township, respecting the public roads, which Mr. BEACH has been accused of taking up for purposes of speculation. We have mislaid the certificate – but it goes to exonerate him from blame, and states that his conduct entitles him to the Gratitude of the proprietors rather than their Censure.

Questions For Sunday Schools # 666 – 694

Married – In Plymouth, on Tuesday the 11th inst. by Rev. Benjamin BIDLACK, Daniel COOK to Miss Margaret PACE.

Old Soldiers -We have received a communication on the subject of Andrew BEAUMONT having charged James DICKENS, an old soldier, the sum of Thirty Dollars for having written a letter to the state of New Jersey, to procure an official certificate to enable DICKENS to get a pension under the law of Congress.

5 October 1821

Trial of Joseph SEARLES, on Saturday last for adultery. Evidence states he married in 1811 to Elizabeth PEARSON, and left his family in 1818, and took up residence in South Boston as a house carpenter. See long article p. 1.

A party of Cherokee Indians lately made an excursion into the Osage nation and murdered a Frenchman, Joseph REVOIR. Several other white persons are said to have been murdered. Mr. BRADSHAW had dispatched an interpreter to ascertain the number of whites killed, and to have the Indians delivered to him to be punished by the laws of the United States. D. Advertiser

Depositions, on the 28th September 1821 voluntarily came before Peter WINTER, Justice of the Peace in Luzerne County, James DICKENS, who is an old soldier who served in the revolutionary war and that on his return to Wilkesbarre from a journey he had been for the purpose of obtaining evidence of his services (which he got from Lieut. WOODRUFF, Sussex Co., NJ) he ascertained that the proof was not sufficient on account of formality, and applied to Andrew BEAUMONT, and told him he was worn out traveling and could not think of going back, but if BEAUMONT would procure the authority necessary to make it valid, he would give him thirty dollars. BEAUMONT obtained what was necessary and on the deponent’s receiving his pension, BEAUMONT called on him and demanded the thirty dollars. That this deponent went to John L. BUTLER, who had a power of Attorney to draw the money and told him to pay BEAUMONT thirty dollars, which was done; and that at no time did the deponent urge BEAUMONT to take the money, but that he frequently applied to this deponent for it. That on the 26th inst., this deponent was in the borough of Wilkesbarre, and that BEAUMONT called on him in company with Gould PHINNEY and asked Mr. PHINNEY;S clerk for $30, which he (said clerk) handed to this deponent, and that this deponent did not ask or demand one cent of said BEAUMONT, but on receiving the money offered back one half, and on refusal he then told said BEAUMONT that he would pay him twenty-five cents, which was every cent he had expended in procuring his pension, but he refused that also. This deponent was then requested to sign a paper, which he did, but does not know what were the contents. James DICKENS. Letters are also printed by John L. BUTLER and Archippus PARRISH (innkeeper).

Died – In Harrisburg, on Thursday the 24th ult, Joseph A. M’JIMSEY, Esq., for a number of years chief clerk of the Senate of this state.

Died – In America, Illinois, on the 2nd August, of the prevailing fever, aged 27, Wm. Smith FINDLAY, Esq., Attorney at Law, and eldest son of the Governor of Pennsylvania.

Died – At Selinsgrove, on the 19th ult. after a few days illness, Mrs. Mary, wife of John SNYDER, and daughter of the late John W. KITTERRA, Esq.

Letters on hand in the Post Office at Kingston, October 1st:
Justus A. BROWN
Jonathan CRABB
Henry HISE
Perigrine JONES
Nehemiah IDE, jun.
David Middleswarth
Adam S_____*
Catharine L. WORTHLY
S_____* WEED
[*names faded]

Public meeting held 28th September 1821 at the house of John BITTENBENDER, Abraham SHORTZ, Esq., was chosen chairman and William CODER, Secretary. The following candidate was recommended for Member of Assembly: Nathan BEACH

At a meeting of electors of Salem Township on the 28th September at the house of Henry HEPLER, Joseph WALTON was chosen Chairman and Charles HOLLOWAY, Secretary. The following candidate were recommended for Member of Assembly: Nathan BEACH

Committee of Correspondence: Christian STOUT, Esq., Major Benjamin STOOKEY and Charles HOLLOWAY

12 October 1821

For Rent – Valuable Farm – belonging to the estate of Conrad SHAFFER, deceased, on Jacob’s Plains in Wilkesbarre Township. Henry SHAFFER and Jacob SHAFFER, Administrators.

List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at Pittston, October 1st:
Nathaniel GIDDINGS
Gamaliel HILL
William MAYBEE
George NAFUS

Questions For Sunday Schools # 695 – 734

19 October 1821

Trial List for November Term

New Millinery, opened by Elizabeth HORTON, on the West corner of the public square (near Market-house)

Official Luzerne County Election Returns held on 9th October: (# votes)
Congress: William Cox ELLIS (891); Thomas MURRAY, Jr. (815)
Assembly: Cornelius CORTRIGHT (817); Charles CATLIN (644); Andrew BEAUMONT (903); Jabez HYDE, Jr. (673); Nathan BEACH (353)
Commissioner: Hezekiah PARSONS (863); Josiah FASSETT (854)
Auditor: Jacob DRUMHELLER, Jr. (1655)

Married – In Hanover on the 2nd inst., by Isaac HARTZELL, Esq., Amos G. HERRICK to Miss Ruth WADE.

Married – On the 16th, by the same, Milen BARNEY to Miss Polly WADE, all of Hanover Township.

Questions For Sunday Schools # 735 – 771

26 October 1821

Died – At his house in Germantown, on Monday the 8th October, Peter BAYNTON, Esq., buried in St. Luke’s Burying Ground that place on Wednesday, 10th.

Died – Sadsbury Township, Chester County, on the 6th Inst., Samuel BRYAN, Esq., late Register of Philadelphia County, in the 81st year of his age.

Died – At Easton, after a few days sickness Christian BUTZ, merchant, aged 56 years.

Died – At Fort Scott, of bilious fever on the 4th ult., Lieut. J. M’CAULEY, of the 7th Reg. U. S. Inf.

Died – In Philadelphia, on the 28th ult, in the 43rd year, George HEIMBOLD, printer and editor of Independent Balance.

Died – At Lancaster, on the 1st inst., George PRICE printer and editor of the Free Press, 29th year of his age.

Died – At Bellefonte, on the 3rd inst., William PETRIKIN Esq., in the 60th year of his age.

Died – Another Revolutionary Hero gone. On the 6th inst. at his country residence in Germantown, Commodore Alexander MURRAY, the Senior officer of the Navy of the U. States.

2 November 1821

Bellefonte, Centre County – On 8th October, Judge FOSTER, of M’Kean County, was shot accidentally by his son. The son had left home for the purpose of hunting wolves; after he had been gone some time, the father went out for the same purpose. As is common among hunters, one of them set up a Howling, after the manner of a wolf, and was answered by the other. They continued howling in this manner until they approached each other within a very short distance. The father had hid himself behind a log, placing brush upon his back to disguise himself, so that when the wolf, (as he supposed) came near enough to shoot, it would not be frightened away. Having raised himself a little for that purpose, the son observing the motion, fired, taking the object fired at to be a wolf. The ball entered right side of the neck and passed out at the left hip. The son, on finding what had happened took off his coat and vest, placed them under his father’s head, and started home for the purpose of getting aid; but his senses fled before he reached his father’s residence; he became deranged and was found in that situation; not knowing or having power at that time, to relate the dreadful and heart-rending tale.

Old POWELL, of Gloucester County, N. J. raised twenty-one sons and one daughter from the same wife; seventeen of them, all that were old enough, served in the Revolutionary army at the same time; and at one harvest the father led twenty one sons in the field, the youngest of whom was able to make a hand. Woodbury Herald

Lieut. J. M’CAULY, of the 7th Regiment U. S. Infantry, died at Fort Scott, on the 4th ult, aged about 21 years. Newark Centinel

Died – At Wrightsville, on the Plains, on Tuesday the 23rd inst., Isaac DAYTON, aged about 34 years.

Died – Lately in Covington, Robert MAXWELL, formerly of Philadelphia. (no date)

Estate of Jacob BABB, late of Huntington Township, request demands and payments. Margaret BABB, Executrix.

9 November 1821

New Wholesale & Retail Store, Kingston. Thomas BORBRIDGE.

Inspector’s Notice – The enrolled Militia on the East side of the Susquehanna River within the bounds of the regiment commanded by Col. Harris JENKINS are notified that an election will be held 29th November at the Court-House in Wilkesbarre. Said Battalion composed of the townships of Newport, Hanover, Wilkesbarre, Pittston and Covington.
Also the enrolled Militia within the township of Exeter, Northmoreland, Eaton, Tunkhannock, Braintrim, Windham, within the bounds of Henry GREEN’S Regiment are notified of an election to be held at the house of Obadiah TAYLOR, 29th November.
Samuel THOMAS, Inspector, 2nd Brigade, 8th Division, P. M.

Militia Nomination. At a meeting of the 4th Company, residing in Windham Township, met at the house of Col. Joseph BURGESS, on the 9th October, Russell PARK was called to the chair and Albert D. PIER appointed sec’y. Resolved to support Capt. Ambrose GAREY for Major.

Election Returns for 1821-2 Legislature:
Northampton, Lehigh, Wayne & Pike: Henry WINTER, Joseph FREY, jr.
Northumberland, Columbia Union, Luzerne & Susquehanna: Robert WILLET, Redmond CONYNGHAM
Lycoming, Centre, Clearfield, M’Kean, Potter, Bradford & Tioga: John M’MEENS
Northampton, Pike & Wayne: Dan. DIMOCK, James KENNEDY, Henry FENNER
Columbia: John CLARK
Luzerne & Susquehanna: Cornelius CORTRIGHT, Andrew BEAUMONT
Bradford & Tioga: S. KINNEY

Four Dollars Reward. Lost on the 6th October on or near the Turnpike road, between Berwick & John RITTENBENDER’S Tavern, a large red morocco pocketbook. George MUCHLER, Union.

16 November 1821

On Saturday last a child of Mr. WEAVER, of Penn Township, about two years old, was unfortunately shot and instantly expired. The father had loaded his gun for the purpose of taking it with him to the woods where he intended to work. After going out of the house he had occasion to turn back for something and leaning the gun against the house (where the deceased and one of the neighbor’s children were walking about) run in, forbidding them to touch it until his return. He had been in the house but a moment when on the report of the gun, he ran out, and shocking in relate, found his little daughter weltering in her gore. The contents of the gun (being loaded with shot) were lodged in her head. People should not only be careful how they use fire arms (and Laudauum) themselves but how they leave them in the way of children. Berlin Gazette

Wilkesbarre & Bridgewater Turnpike elections to be held the first Monday of January at the house of Charles OTIS, Tunkhannock Township.

New Store with a general assortment of Dry Good, Groceries & Queensware, next door to Mr. HANCOCK’S Tavern. LEPPER & THOMAS. Wilkesbarre.

30 Dollars Reward – Stolen on 31st October about four miles from MERWINE’S Tavern on the Easton and Wilkesbarre Turnpike Road, a mare, also a silver watch. Nicholas HAWK.

23 November 1821 – Paper Missing

30 November 1821

On Sunday evening the 4th inst. As Miss Mary M’CULLOUGH, of Drumore, Pa., was returning home from an evening, the horse on which she rode became unmanageable, and threw her against a stake with such violence as to produce instant death. Newark Centinel

Suicide – On Sunday last, Charles SINGLEMAN, put a period to his existence at Tuckhanna, on the Easton and Wilkesbarre Turnpike. He had for some time been suspected of horse-stealing, and some facts had come to light which caused him to be arrested, when he put an end to the proceedings against him by shooting himself. It is supposed the above was not his real name, but he has left no papers, nor any thing by which his proper name and residence can be discovered. Four cents, is said to be all the money found in his possession.

Miss Clara PRAY, some time since, spun in one day, on a common wheel, one hundred and four knots of Woollen Yarn, for Ebenezer GAY, of Windham Township, Luzerne County.

Public Vendue at the house of Jonathan HANCOCK on the 6th December in Wilkesbarre.

To Creditors – Take Notice, that the subscribers have applied to the Judges of the court of Common Pleas of Luzerne for the benefit of Insolvent Laws, and they have appointed Saturday the 8th December next for the purpose of hearing us and our creditors, at the Court House in Wilkesbarre: Asa NURSE

7 December 1821

Strayed away from the subscriber about the last of August, a Brown Steer. John GORE, Jr.

Notice. Stockholders of the Susquehanna and Lehigh Turnpike Company are to meet at the house of John BROWN, Inn-keeper, Berwick, Brier Creek Township, Columbia County for an election. Silas ENGLE, Sec’y.

Notice. Easton and Wilkesbarre Turnpike Company Stockholders are to meet the 7th January 1822 for an election. Peleg TRACY, Sec’y.

Notice. Stockholders of the Luzerne and Wayne County Turnpike Road Company are to meet the first Monday of January next at the house of John COBB, Blakeley Township, for an election. Joseph MARCY, Sec’y.

14 December 1821 (no articles found)

21 December 1821

To Creditors – Take Notice, that the subscribers have applied to the Judges of the court of Common Pleas of Luzerne for the benefit of Insolvent Laws, and they have appointed Saturday the first Monday in January next for the purpose of hearing us and our creditors, at the Court House in Wilkesbarre: Jacob HOPPERS, Thomas MARSHAL, Asa NURSE

28 December 1821

Dr. Thomas COOPER, formerly President of the Luzerne Courts, has been elected President of South Carolina.

State Legislature:
Petition for a new county out of Columbia, Luzerne and Lycoming.
Petition for a new county out of Columbia and Luzerne.
Petition of inhabitants of Kingston for an act of incorporation.
Report unfavorable on of Samuel CAREY of Luzerne, and also unfavorable in the case of
Elizabeth WILLIAMS

© 2007 Paula Radwanski, Wyoming County Historical Society